This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
IF this does not make you think, your brain dead...
Published on August 9, 2005 By ShadowWar In Current Events
I think the American people are not being fully informed. It seems that the main stream media in America seems to be very selective in what they choose to print and mention in their news broadcast. It almost seems that if it doesn’t involve a soldier death, or a bomb going off, its not news.

Don’t the media moguls think the American people would like to hear about successes as well as the soldiers being killed in Iraq? I think so. Everyone I talk to seems to be surprised by some of the good news I show them. Why? Because they thought nothing good was happing in Iraq. Because its not in the newpaper or on CNN, NBC or some other main media source.
How about this, between July 30 and Aug. 5 the coalition forces discovered and disposed of 109 improvised explosive devices and 32 weapons and explosive caches; they captured 805 insurgent fighters, with the subsequent detention of 493; and killed or captured 11 foreign fighters.
On Aug 9th, Marines discovered a car bomb factory and 6 vehicles rigged as suicide bombs.
On Aug 5th and 6th, forces foiled five roadside-bomb attacks during a series of combat operations conducted in Baghdad.
Also on the 6th, Coalition Forces in Abu Ghraib caught two men red-handed as they were preparing a site for a roadside bomb.
That same day Task Force Baghdad soldiers also found and safely disabled two roadside bombs in different Baghdad neighborhoods before terrorists could detonate them.
In Mosul, coalition forces detained two individuals for handing out terrorist propaganda. The two individuals revealed the location of their source and, during a resulting raid.
Near Hit, Iraqi Intervention Forces and U.S. Marines captured three terrorists in a truck towing another vehicle modified as a car bomb.
In Haqlaniyah, coalition forces destroyed a booby-trapped house that contained improvised explosive devices.
In Baghdad, coalition forces captured a car bomb and four terrorists who were involved in a car-bomb cell. Iraqi forces captured ten members of a terrorist cell in Sadr City.
Why are these not news? Because the Main Stream media does not want the American people to hear the successes and good news in Iraq. It might make some people think that maybe, just maybe, things are not a bleak as the media would have you think.

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on Aug 09, 2005
The media is not biased. They just don't want to do any work. That is why Christopher Reeve's wife was the main story on NBC News tonight. Have you seen CNN lately? It is just Entertainment Tonight. The only thing liberal on the news was Novak using his freedom of speech to say "Bull Shit" on FOX News. Lucky for him; he is friends with the administration and hasn't been fined by the FTC. Maybe, next time he can try flashing a man boob (with a pastie of course) and see if that is acceptable also.

on Aug 10, 2005

Concur. There's a lot of good stuff happening over there the mainstream media doesn't report. Not just in the area of stopping the terrorist either. I would like to be able to say it's just the left wing media you mentioned trying to help bring down the Pres., but Fox news and other right leaning new orgs don't run it either. One of the reasons I read blogs like Michael Yon's and the mil related net I'm on.

on Aug 10, 2005
again sadly we come back to that old addage "if it bleeds it leads" good news does not sell sponser or ad time.

sad but true.
on Aug 10, 2005

again sadly we come back to that old addage "if it bleeds it leads" good news does not sell sponser or ad time.

Given the sinking readership/viewership of the MSM, that old adage does not work.  The public is tired of their liberal pontificating and is tuning them out.

on Aug 10, 2005
The mainstream media is too busy constantly attacking Bush and constantly attacking the War in Iraq to address the positive steps in Iraq. They are too busy trying to turn it into Vietnam and a utter failure and trying to spin the facts into fiction.
on Aug 11, 2005
I have got to say, for all of the points/selections/views of this article, not many comments. Home: 2641 Selected: 351 Channel: 77
Replies: 5 Points: 531

Wonder if that could be because I'm right? Hmmm I like to think so.
on Aug 11, 2005

Wonder if that could be because I'm right? Hmmm I like to think so.

You dont have to go to that much trouble to prove you are right.  Just check how many liberals responded.  That tells it all.

on Aug 11, 2005
I have hardly ever watched the news for the last couple years. I used to be an avid watcher, but I got sick of it. It is the same thing day after day. Shootings, robberies, crashes, you name it and it shows up day after day. I concur with ShadowWar, where are the good stories. I'm not talking just about Iraq, but overall. They usually relegate one good story as the last story of the newscast.
As also mentioned by ShadowWar , it is often difficult to tell if you are watching a newscast or an entertainment show as of it isn't about shootings, etc. its about stars, etc.
on Aug 15, 2005
Just so you all know this article was posted in my local paper in the editorial section! today..