This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Wonder how the media and left will try to spin this...
Published on August 14, 2005 By ShadowWar In Politics
Aug. 13, 2005

Release A050813a

Task Force Freedom Soldiers find chemical production facility

MOSUL, Iraq - Coalition Forces, acting on intelligence from detainee interrogations, raided a suspected insurgent chemical production facility and chemical storage locations on August 9th. The early morning raids, conducted by Task Force Freedom, uncovered what technical experts assess to be a “clandestine chemical production facility” and possibly related storage sites.

Military officials are careful to state that ongoing analysis of the chemical evidence collected from the sites is currently insufficient to determine what the insurgents had been producing. “We are continuing to investigate the production and storage facilities to determine what type and quantities of chemicals were produced at the facility, and the specific threat posed to our forces. We don't want to speculate on any possibilities until our analysis is complete,” said the Multi-National Corps' Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Officer Colonel Henry Franke. However, military officials are confident that they have disrupted a potentially serious threat to coalition forces and the Iraqi people.

Concurrent with the technical analysis, intelligence experts are conducting related investigations to determine which terrorist or insurgent group is responsible for the construction and operation of the secret facility.

OK this will be interestng to follow and see what it pans out as. I am willing to bet you the media and left will not mention it or try to spin it as a non-issue. LOL


Site Meter

on Aug 14, 2005
I am not taking that bet.
on Aug 14, 2005
If you get "any" answers to this by the left, I'd be greatly surprised. This is the stuff we've been saying all along. No WMD's, huh?
on Aug 14, 2005
Well the way it reads I thik the facility was being used by or created by the terrorist. So I am waiting for more information before I jump to the WMD claim. It may have been made after the war started. I am trying to get more information.

on Aug 14, 2005
Follow up post...

Chem Site Samples Analyzed Further
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14, 2005 – Coalition experts continue to analyze samples found in the chemical production facility and storage site discovered in Mosul, Iraq, on Aug. 9, officials reported today.
Early results suggest that some chemicals are accelerants used in explosive devices.

Specially trained reconnaissance units collected the samples being tested now in Iraq. The samples will then be sent to the U. S. for composition confirmation.

Coalition forces and Iraqi security forces also continue to investigate more intelligence information.

Officials announced Aug. 13 that coalition forces had found the facility and storage site during raids on Aug. 9 based on detainee-provided tips.

Thats why its good to wait for more information...
on Aug 14, 2005

Thats why its good to wait for more information...


And the liberals have responded how?

on Aug 14, 2005
WE should wait and see if this is a new facility constructed by the terrorists or something from Saddam. To jump to "this is a WMD site" would not be reasonable at this time.
on Aug 14, 2005
lol, what the col is trying to say is "Please don't blame this on saddam, because i am panning to use this as evidence that Iraq is now a den of terrorists..."

on Aug 14, 2005
And the liberals have responded how?

What are we supposed to say?

It's scary and worrisome that it was created. It's encouraging to know that we found it.

on Aug 15, 2005
And the liberals have responded how?

What are we supposed to say?

It's scary and worrisome that it was created. It's encouraging to know that we found it.

The thing here tex is, you may be a liberal but you have an intelligent head on your shoulders. Other libs for the most part do not have the same luxury.