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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Iraqi Policeman Engages Suicide Bomber in Mahawil
Thats IRAQI POLICEMAN for those that think the Iraqi's are ineffective..
Published on August 15, 2005 By
War on Terror
Iraqi Policeman Engages Suicide Bomber in Mahawil
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2005 – An Iraqi police officer identified a suicide bomber in Mahawil, Iraq, Aug. 14 and attempted to kill him before the bomb could be detonated, according to a multinational forces report.
Despite the policeman's best efforts, the Syrian suicide bomber was able to detonate his bomb, killing two civilians and injuring four others in the town, which is located about 16 kilometers north of Hillah.
The report indicated the officer's actions likely prevented many more deaths and injuries.
The same day in Hit, Iraqi army and coalition forces got help from local citizens during a combined cordon-and-knock operation. Iraqi soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force, and U. S. Marines from 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, detained three suspected insurgents during the search.
The troops confiscated 14 ammunition magazines, AK-47 assault rifles and an unspecified number of police uniforms from two of the suspects.
The patrol had received information from local citizens alleging the suspects' ties to the insurgency. All three suspected insurgents were transported to a secure facility for questioning.
Later in the day, the same patrol located an improvised explosive device near a bridge in Hit. The IED consisted of a 130 mm artillery round, a one-liter container of flammable fluid, a trigger mechanism, and a 12-volt car battery. The troops secured the area while an explosive ordnance disposal team destroyed the IED in place. No injuries or damages were reported.
In Mosul, Iraqi soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division, and U. S. soldiers with 1st Battalion, 25th Infantry Regiment, discovered a small cache during a raid today.
The cache consisted of an AK-47 automatic rifle, a Glock pistol, a revolver, and a large amount of small-arms ammunition. Seven suspected insurgents were detained and transported to a secure facility for questioning. No injuries or damages were reported.
Elsewhere in Iraq, Iraqi army and coalition forces conducted a cordon-and-search operation in Baghdad to disrupt anti-Iraqi activity.
On Aug. 14, Iraqi soldiers with 3rd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, and U. S. soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment, found seven AK-47 automatic rifles and a machine gun during a search in Baghdad. Eight suspected insurgents were detained.
(Compiled from Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq news releases. )
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on Aug 15, 2005
Keep these coming....
on Aug 15, 2005
Excellent post, Shadow; thanks.
Hmmm...I wonder if ColGene and Bahu bother to read your posts?
on Aug 15, 2005
there is no one on my blacklist, so I know they can..
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