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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Michael Moore sent me an e-mail!!
I got it today.. and heres is my response..
Published on September 12, 2005 By
I got this e-mail today, and thought I would respond.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fix America [mailto:fixamerica@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 11:27 AM
Subject: A Letter to All Who Voted for George W. Bush from Michael Moore
Sunday, September 11th, 2005
A Letter to All Who Voted for George W. Bush from Michael Moore
To All My Fellow Americans Who Voted for George W. Bush:
On this, the fourth anniversary of 9/11, I'm just curious, how does it feel?
How does it feel to know that the man you elected to lead us after we were
attacked went ahead and put a guy in charge of FEMA whose main qualification
was that he ran horse shows?
That's right. Horse shows.
I really want to know -- and I ask you this in all sincerity and with all
due respect -- how do you feel about the utter contempt Mr. Bush has shown
for your safety?
[ShadowWar added:] (I don't like it and think he should be replaced. SO?)
C'mon, give me just a moment of honesty. Don't start
ranting on about how this disaster in New Orleans was the fault of one of
the poorest cities in America.[
ShadowWar added:] (I won't because it goes to show you that you think what I know or feel and really don't)
Put aside your hatred of Democrats and liberals and anyone with the last name of Clinton.
[ShadowWar added:] (Again here you go thinking you know what I feel or think, I don't hate anyone, even Democrats or Liberals. I just wish they felt the same about me. You see that¡¦s a common error that the left makes, thinking that I hate the left or the Democrats, I hate neither. I dislike people who think they know what I feel and how I think.)
Just look me in the eye and tell me our President did the right thing after 9/11 by naming a horse show runner as the top man to protect us in case of an emergency or catastrophe.
[ShadowWar added:] (He didn't and he should replace him. With someone with more experience and background.)
I want you to put aside your self-affixed label of
Republican/conservative/born-again/capitalist/ditto-head/right-winger and
just talk to me as an American, on the common ground we both call America
.[ShadowWar added:] (I would if 1. You stopped calling me names, and 2. were more American yourself, by that I mean pointing out only the problems and not the solutions or the positives.)
Are we safer now than before 9/11?
[ShadowWar added:] (When you take into consideration all that has happened since, or the lack thereof, yes we are safer. We have not been attacked like we were on 9/11, and there are thousands of less terrorist in the world, because we have killed them in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than here in the U.S. I would call that a good start.)
When you learn that behind the horse show runner, the #2 and #3 men in charge of emergency preparedness have zero experience in emergency preparedness, do you think we are safer?[
ShadowWar added:] (Actually yes, you see you have failed to check out the whole story, as is usually the case when you report things. I am a police officer/ first responder. And I can say with first hand knowledge that our first responders for the most part across the entire nation are much better prepared, or at least more knowledgeable about what it is we face and how to face it. It is not the number 1 or 2 or 3 or even 20 guy at the federal level that will answer the call on the ground about the bomb or chemical or whatever form it takes, it¡¦s the Joe cop and fireman and yes we are better prepared to handle another 9/11. The President, and FEMA director do not run to the scene and pull people out of harms way, its us the first responders and yes we are better prepared and equipped. That training and equipment was given to us by the Feds and State guys and FEMA, so hey I would say yes they are preparing us, I have first hand experience at that. How about you Mr. Moore?)
When you look at Michael Chertoff, the head of Homeland Security, a man with
little experience in national security, do you feel secure?[
ShadowWar added:] Since he is not the one securing me yes I do. I feel more secure knowing that my friends are over in Iraq killing the terrorist there, I feel more secure knowing that I have better training now and better equipment than I did prior to 9/11. I carry a contamination suit in my police car, why? Because the Federal Government thought I should be trained and have one in case I need it. That makes me feel more secure.
When men who never served in the military and have never seen young men die
in battle send our young people off to war, do you think they know how to
conduct a war? Do they know what it means to have your legs blown off for a
threat that was never there
?[ShadowWar added:] Well since it is not them conducting this war, then I have to say I agree with you. They would not know, but since it is military men (Generals and such) leading the military men over there I have no problems with it. And since I am a disabled veteran who gave my body to the U.S. Army, I have no problem with soldiers being wounded in battle, that¡¦s what they do, they are soldiers.
Do you really believe that turning over important government services to
private corporations has resulted in better services for the people
?[ShadowWar added:] If by "the People" you mean the U.S. yes, Our Government has always had to much red tape and other things that get in the way of accomplishing things (Congress to name one ļ)and by privatizing things that can be, things get done quicker and sometimes better. SO yes I think we have gotten better service. It also allows our military to have fewer people on the ground freeing them up for other things.)
Why do you hate our federal government so much?
[ShadowWar added:] (Again you say something you have now idea on how I really feel. I love my country and my Government. DO I think they are always right? No. Do I think they are the best form of Government in the world? Yes. Would I give my life for the defense of the Government in its current form? Yes. Even if a Clinton was in the Whitehouse I would. Its America that you are talking about, presidents come and go. The people and the government do not change a whole lot.)
You have voted for politicians for the past 25 years whose main goal has been to de-fund the federal government. Do you think that cutting federal programs like FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers has been good or bad for America? GOOD OR BAD
?[ShadowWar added:] Well since the spending for those items has gone up each year I am wondering where you get the idea it¡¦s the Republicans fault this happened. During the last 25 years, how many of those years was Congress (who decides the funding) controlled by the Democrats? And when the funding was sent to the state, who controlled and sent the money to the areas it went too? Wasn't that state controlled and still is by the Democrats? Don't they decide where and what funding it gets?
With the nation's debt at an all-time high, do you think tax cuts for the
rich are still a good idea? Will you give yours back so hundreds of
thousands of homeless in New Orleans can have a home
?[ShadowWar added:] I would if I was rich. You see I am Middle Income and I got tax cuts also. Go Figure. And I did give more than I got actually to the Red Cross to help, did you do the same?
Do you believe in Jesus? Really? Didn't he say that we would be judged by
how we treat the least among us? Hurricane Katrina came in and blew off the
facade that we were a nation with liberty and justice for all. The wind
howled and the water rose and what was revealed was that the poor in America
shall be left to suffer and die while the President of the United States
fiddles and tells them to eat cake.
[ShadowWar added:] Its sad you feel this way. Very sad. You are slapping every police officer and first responder in the face. The President was not there to deal with the people in NO. The cops and firemen were. And they could have cared less what income or color the skin of the person was. To say that because a person is black the response was slower is like saying every cop and fireman is a racist. And I can say I know that to not be true. The only racism is fabricated by those who want to make it appear to be so, to help meet their ends. There was no racism in the wake of the storm, only that made by the media and the ones wanting to point fingers. The people actually pulling people from the rooftops and helping move people could have cared less.
That's not a joke. The day the hurricane hit and the levees broke, Mr. Bush,
John McCain and their rich pals were stuffing themselves with cake. A full
day after the levees broke (the same levees whose repair funding he had
cut), Mr. Bush was playing a guitar some country singer gave him. All this
while New Orleans sank under water.
[ShadowWar added:] Well first, I am not sure how much water President Bush could have bailed by himself. AS for what he was eating, I really could not care less. Besides NO he had a few other things to worry about I am sure, that¡¦s why we have State and Local Governments, to take care of the things that need to be taken care of. I live in Florida and it seems to me that Florida is very capable of handling not 1 but 4 hurricanes in 1 season. He was not here cutting trees off my road or filling my generator with gas when it needed it, and I would not expect him too, that is my job, not the governments.
It would take ANOTHER day before the President would do a flyover in his
jumbo jet, peeking out the widow at the misery 2500 feet below him as he
flew back to his second home in DC. It would then be TWO MORE DAYS before a
trickle of federal aid and troops would arrive. This was no seven minutes in
a sitting trance while children read "My Pet Goat" to him. This was FOUR
DAYS of doing nothing other than saying "Brownie (FEMA director Michael
Brown), you're doing a heck of a job!"
[ShadowWar added:] Hmmm I think you may be exaggerating just a bit. Would you please point me to the source you use to show he did ¡§nothing¡¨ for 4 days. I think I remember seeing him on TV the day after commenting on things, and didn¡¦t he sign an emergency act the day before the storm actually hit? Maybe I was seeing things.
My Republican friends, does it bother you that we are the laughing stock of
the world?
[ShadowWar added:] The only ones laughing are you and your friends. And that shows me the spirit of America is dead in you. Instead of stepping up and helping, you¡¦re complaining ad whining about it. Pick up a shovel and start helping in the clean up. I think I don¡¦t here several thousands of terrorist laughing anymore, they can¡¦t, they are dead or in prison.
And on this sacred day of remembrance, do you think we honor or shame those
who died on 9/11/01? If we learned nothing and find ourselves today every
bit as vulnerable and unprepared as we were on that bright sunny morning,
then did the 3,000 die in vain?
[ShadowWar added:] You are ignorant of the facts and efforts that have taken place since then, and belittle the Emergency Personnel and all our hard work and training we have made. At both the Local and State Level. We are better prepared and equipped and trained then we were then. You just are not part of it, because you choose to be part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Our vulnerability is not just about dealing with terrorists or natural
disasters. We are vulnerable and unsafe because we allow one in eight
Americans to live in horrible poverty. We accept an education system where
one in six children never graduate and most of those who do can't string a
coherent sentence together. The middle class can't pay the mortgage or the
hospital bills and 45 million have no health coverage whatsoever.
[ShadowWar added:] You keep saying we. Who is this we? What have you done to try and stop it? What programs have your side of the fence (since you like to divide us so much) done to try and fix this? What bills have your Democrat friends proposed or tried to pass and been stopped by the other party? I am middle class and I can pay my mortgage, and health bills, even with a wife with a heart condition and a son who needs medication. I seem to make it OK. As for the schools, no I do not like the level of education, but what are you doing to fix it besides complaining? I volunteer and help at my kids school. You?
Are we safe?
[ShadowWar added:] No but we are safer than we were.
Do you really feel safe?
[ShadowWar added:] I feel safer. I carry a gun. Something many of your friends are against. You can only move so far out and build so many gated communities before the fruit of what you've sown will be crashing through your walls and demanding retribution. [ShadowWar added:] I don¡¦t live in a gated community. LOL Most of those are occupied by Democrats.
ļ Do you really want to wait until that happens? Or is it your hope that if they are left alone long enough to soil themselves and shoot themselves and drown in the filth that fills the street that maybe the problem will somehow go away?
[ShadowWar added:] Again what are you doing to help? Sending out a spam e-mail? Wow now there ya go. That will make a difference.
I know you know better. You gave the country and the world a man who wasn't
up for the job and all he does is hire people who aren't up for the job. You
did this to us, to the world, to the people of New Orleans. Please fix it.
Bush is yours. And you know, for our peace and safety and security, this has
to be fixed. What do you propose?
[ShadowWar added:] I propose that instead of whining and complaining you stand up and help fix things. Stop trying to divide the country and try and get people to work together. This very e-mail is a perfect example of what is wrong with your group. You should have tried maybe asking for hurricane relief or help in the form of donations to the Red Cross, or asking for volunteers to go help. But no, sadly your only comments are negative and accomplish nothing. I on the other hand have chosen to serve my fellow American, both in the military and in a career in public safety. I place my life on the line every day for people like you, even though we may not agree on things. See that¡¦s what makes me different than you, I would stand in front of you and protect you from those that would do you harm. Can you say you would do the same? I don¡¦t think so. Since 9/11 all we hear in the public safety field is train, train, train and we have. We have learned, studied and tried to prepare for the next attack, because we know it will come. No matter what we do here or abroad. What are you doing to prepare? I have taught my family what to do. Have you? Have you even bothered to think about it? Probably not, your to bust playing the blame game.
I have an idea, and it isn't a horse show.
Michael Moore
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Dr Guy
on Sep 12, 2005
Running a horse show is better than being a horse's ass. Mikey should love Brown.
on Sep 12, 2005
shows you the insane left is much more intrested in flinging shit all over the place than offering any solutions.
on Sep 12, 2005
Great job, shadow.
Moore may be the most skilled demagogue to come along in quite awhile, but he's no match for you. The pathetic attempts to leverage anything and everything that happens into a "Bush Failure" make me want to puke. The media are struggling mightily to carry the left's water, and they are having some success if you measure success by the popularity polls, but they, like most of the stuff coming from Moore & MoveOn, etc., are meaningless.
They have a chance to offer us better people with better solutions - instead they squander their energy on petty hatred which will further their cause not one bit. What are they doing to offer solutions to anything, other than to tax rich people more & spend more of our money on things they would choose to spend it on? I strongly suspect that Mr. Moore's accounting firm takes full advantage of the tax code to minimize his tax liability (I'm sure Mikey says "Oh, I don't pay attention to that, I just let them do their thing."), all the while decrying the tax cuts, which were the equivalent of a rounding error for the rich folks but a significant benefit for most of us. When Mike decides he can live on $100k a year and gives away the rest of his income for the rest of his life to the City of New Orleans, I'll start paying attention to him. He thinks the rich are getting away with murder, let him stop being rich.
on Sep 12, 2005
Well said ShadowWar.
on Sep 12, 2005
Way to go Shadow!!! Michael Moore has a lot of nerve pointing his stinky finger at anyone for "dividing the country" or "not accomplishing anything", all he has accomplished is making loads of money from exploiting the deaths of others. The very fact that he was given a place of honor at the DNC convention should tell the world what depths the democrat party has sludged its way down to.
SSG Geezer
on Oct 22, 2005
A very good job of deconstucting Mikey's BS.
Gideon MacLeish
on Oct 23, 2005
Good job, shadow! I especially liked your comment about first responders (I will begin training for my ECA certification in January). Emergency personnel, both professional and volunteer, are FAR better prepared than before 9/11.
Once again, good work!
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