This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Depends on who you are asking..
Published on September 13, 2005 By ShadowWar In US Domestic
I was listening to people talk on the TV news shows about racism playing a part in the response to Hurricane Katrina. And it dawned on me, who are they talking about. Are they accusing my fellow Americans of racism? They were. So I thought if that is the case why did I see what I did when the call went out for help, for donations, for volunteers?

SO I thought to myself. If so many people are racist what type of response should I have seen when the call went out for donations and help? People should have said, no. Thats what would have shown the racism involved. I can see how these hate mongers that cry racism think the conversation went on homes across america,

Bubba: "Bobby Jo, why should I donate to the blacks in New Orleans? They are blacks for petes sake."
Bobby Jo:"Ya Bubba lets not worry about it, maybe they will all move back to where they came from."
Bubba:"Maybe I should go volunteer instead."
Bobby Jo:"And be gone from home and help those blacks? Lose pay for a few weeks? No Way your going there to help Bibba."

When in reality I watched the response that really happened, the Red Cross had over $789 million flow in from all over the U.S. The U.S. Government is pumping $60 Billion plus into the effort, and volunteers came from all over the U.S. Even our local radio stations threw a marathon and got almost $150,00 just from us Florida Racist rednecks!. (TIC) Here in Florida the police and fire departments sent people right after the storm, even though many of them are short handed already. They said they will make due.

I saw a story of a bunch of white middle school students putting hundreds of back packs together for the children displaced by the storm. They didn't care what race the back packs were going too.

Those that are throwing the racism accusations should look around them. I was watching the news footage of the supposedly "poor blacks" at the stadium, and in that line I saw all races, not just blacks.

The First Responders(police and fire and EMS), the guys and gals flying the choppers, driving the trucks through the water, riding in the airboats and water craft did not stand up in the front of the boat or hanging on the line and say "Nope Biff, can't rescue them! There are black!" In fact the people I saw being rescued were by and far black. When I talked to one of our local Sheriff's Deputies on the phone yesterday on his way home from Mississippi, you know it was funny, he never said one word about what race anyone was. He talked about the devestation and the help they were trying to give, he had spent 10 days helping there, and not once did the word "black" or "white" come up in his vocabulary. Wonder why? BECASUSE IT DOES NOT MATTER!

When will people stop trying to use the excuse that its race and start saying its time for people (notice no race stated there) to start taking responsability for themselves. And to expect the same from their local state and federal government. Racism is not to blame, the system that promotes poverty and misuse of welfare is to blame. The average person can walk 20 miles a day without forcing themselves. How far would I have walked with my 6 year old son and wife if I had been forced to for lack of transportation? As far as I needed to in order to get to safety. I have been in the public safety area for 24+ years and also in the military. And if anything it taught me to take care of myself and my family and not rely on anyone else, not even the Federal Government. I have self pride and self reliance.

So to all those that are screaming the racism song, GET OVER IT, you are insulting all of those of us that helped out with donations, or went there to help or are doing other things to assist our fellow Americans. Racism has nothing to do it, you are the only ones that are racist, you keep trying to make it happen so you can say it was true. You are the problem, not the solution. Race? Ya I'm part of the human race.

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on Sep 13, 2005
Here is what CNN had to say on this topic....
Poll shows Katrina's racial divideWhite and black Americans view Hurricane Katrina's aftermath in starkly different ways, with more blacks viewing race as a factor in problems with the federal response, according to a newly released CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. More blacks than whites said they were angry about the government's response to Katrina, 76 percent to 60 percent, and President Bush is one target of their ire.

I agree with you Shadow, that people throughout the US helped, helped greatly, without concern as to the colour of the person they were helping.
It is unfortunate that the 'Bubbas' and 'Bobby Jo's' got the publicity they did. The press looks for that... it's what people want to read.... but it doesn't mean it is necessarilly so.
on Sep 13, 2005
Could it be that it was the press who were the only one's who couldn't get passed the race card?
on Sep 13, 2005
Could it be that it was the press who were the only one's who couldn't get passed the race card?

The press likes to be read... be it pure sensationalism or fact. The readers, it seems, couldn't care less.
on Sep 13, 2005

Race? Ya I'm part of the human race.

That has been what I have put on the census the last 2 times.  I refuse to give them more than that.

And Mano, as far as CNN goes, the blacks polled are just parroting the democrat party and not thinking for themselves.  WHile New Orleans was 67% black, as I have shown, the suburban parrish (where the Nursing home was found flooded), was just the opposite.  There are more whites than blacks who were hardest hit in and around New Orleans.  The only racism in this whole sordid mess is by the media and the democrat leadership.

on Sep 13, 2005
The only racism in this whole sordid mess is by the media and the democrat leadership.

I agree with the media part... but the words of a handful of 'democrats' should not blemish the entire party.
on Sep 13, 2005
Here is what CNN had to say on this topic....
Poll shows Katrina's racial divideWhite and black Americans view Hurricane Katrina's aftermath in starkly different ways, with more blacks viewing race as a factor in problems with the federal response, according to a newly released CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. More blacks than whites said they were angry about the government's response to Katrina, 76 percent to 60 percent, and President Bush is one target of their ire.

I wonder how much of that is because of Jessen Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Kanye West. I bet most of it.

It goes back to the typical, blame someone else mindset.
on Sep 13, 2005
I wonder how much of that is because of Jessen Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Kanye West. I bet most of it.

the exact handful I was referring to.
on Sep 13, 2005
the exact handful I was referring to.

I agree, but the fact that the democratic party embraces these people is troubling as well.
on Sep 13, 2005
I agree, but the fact that the democratic party embraces these people is troubling as well.

That is a bit troubling isn't it. I mean, David Duke was pretty much universally rejected by the national Republican party and there are still democrats who throw him up in our faces... yet I can't think of one democrat (although there may have been a few) whose racism hasn't enhanced their position in their party.
on Sep 13, 2005
on Sep 13, 2005
Para - you're going to have to explain this one to me because I don't get it.

"yet I can't think of one democrat (although there may have been a few) whose racism hasn't enhanced their position in their party."
on Sep 13, 2005
My explanation is how democrats in almost every election use race to win. Look at the last election where you had democrats in black churches basically saying Republicans will not help you because you are black, rely on us to take care of you.
on Sep 13, 2005
a - you're going to have to explain this one to me because I don't get it.

Sen. Byrd, Sen. Ernest Hollings, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Kweisi Mfume, Louis Farrakhan... those are the names that immediately come to mind.