This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
and so is everyone else now...
Published on October 28, 2005 By ShadowWar In Current Events
Military Families 'Disgusted' by Sheehan
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
October 28, 2005

( - A number of Gold Star military families say they are "thoroughly disgusted with Cindy Sheehan and her publicity stunts."

Sheehan was arrested outside the White House this week, during a protest to mark the death of the 2000th soldier in Iraq. Sheehan and other anti-war protesters staged a "die-in," lying head to toe on the sidewalk. (See related story)

Sheehan's shenanigans have offended other Americans who also have lost loved ones in Iraq:

"We, the parents and family members of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who have served and given their lives defending America in Operation Iraqi Freedom...are angered that Mrs. Sheehan is once again using our fallen loved ones against our wishes to undermine the cause they voluntarily gave their lives for," Gold Star families said in a press release issued Friday.

"Her macabre die-ins in front of the White House do not honor the dead nor do they help the living -- they give encouragement to Al Qaeda to keep killing Americans until we surrender."

The Gold Star families complain that Sheehan and others are handing out souvenir bracelets with their loved ones' names on them as bonuses to protesters who join her anti-war crusade.

"Her continued abuse of our loved ones makes our blood boil and we demand that she stop trivializing their sacrifices with her tawdry acts," the families said.

The Gold Star families say Sheehen and her allies are not peace activists. "They are working to bring about the defeat of America in the war on terror," the families said, pointing to Sheehan's description of terrorists fighting in Iraq as "freedom fighters."

"The groups she works with have openly expressed their support for the terrorists and their contempt for this country," the press release said.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 30, 2005
Reply By: DUM AND JUST DUM(Anonymous User)

Appropriate name for some idiot who does not know squat.

I'm still trying to figure out why they didn't just call themselves "stupid"?
on Oct 30, 2005
Bush lied to go to War and and the Corp Press covers for him

Isn't it ironic that the anti Bush side wants us to believe that he is a mindless "chimp", but still smarter than both houses of Congress and their holy UN. ;~D
on Oct 31, 2005
Sorry I posted as it clear anyone with an IQ over 10 is not permitted to comment. This is a bend over for Bush site everyone here likes to take it from behind "HARD".

Know what?.....If you don't have anything intelligent to say, say NOTHING! If you need an IQ of over 10 to comment, then that leaves you out. Just swallow pretty now!
on Oct 31, 2005
I am sorry but I deleted his last comments. Its my topic and I will not have that type of comment that is not topic related. Call it what you will, but there was no need for it. ANd I have turned off Anon posting for it.
on Oct 31, 2005
"disgust" would be far too polite a word for what I feel towards Cindy Sheehan. Not only has she SPIT on the grave of her son, who she claims to love so dearly, she has dug hiom up to use as a prop for her personal gain...and that gives me a feeling of revulsion so strong there are few words in our language to describe it.
on Oct 31, 2005
I am sorry but I deleted his last comments. Its my topic and I will not have that type of comment that is not topic related. Call it what you will, but there was no need for it. ANd I have turned off Anon posting for it.

Thanks shadow. I will refrain from posting any more "ignorant" replies.
on Oct 31, 2005
Bush lied to go to War and and the Corp Press covers for him.

Please show us where Bush "lied". I'm still waiting to hear it.
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