This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
and so is everyone else now...
Published on October 28, 2005 By ShadowWar In Current Events
Military Families 'Disgusted' by Sheehan
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
October 28, 2005

( - A number of Gold Star military families say they are "thoroughly disgusted with Cindy Sheehan and her publicity stunts."

Sheehan was arrested outside the White House this week, during a protest to mark the death of the 2000th soldier in Iraq. Sheehan and other anti-war protesters staged a "die-in," lying head to toe on the sidewalk. (See related story)

Sheehan's shenanigans have offended other Americans who also have lost loved ones in Iraq:

"We, the parents and family members of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who have served and given their lives defending America in Operation Iraqi Freedom...are angered that Mrs. Sheehan is once again using our fallen loved ones against our wishes to undermine the cause they voluntarily gave their lives for," Gold Star families said in a press release issued Friday.

"Her macabre die-ins in front of the White House do not honor the dead nor do they help the living -- they give encouragement to Al Qaeda to keep killing Americans until we surrender."

The Gold Star families complain that Sheehan and others are handing out souvenir bracelets with their loved ones' names on them as bonuses to protesters who join her anti-war crusade.

"Her continued abuse of our loved ones makes our blood boil and we demand that she stop trivializing their sacrifices with her tawdry acts," the families said.

The Gold Star families say Sheehen and her allies are not peace activists. "They are working to bring about the defeat of America in the war on terror," the families said, pointing to Sheehan's description of terrorists fighting in Iraq as "freedom fighters."

"The groups she works with have openly expressed their support for the terrorists and their contempt for this country," the press release said.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 28, 2005
Can't somebody make this waste of flesh disappear? Or at the very least make sure the next time she enters a cell, Big Bertha shows her what kind of damage a tooth brush, a rubberband and a piece of razor blade can do.
on Oct 28, 2005
I can't imagine what it would be like to lose one of my boys. I would be heartbroken but she seems to have crossed from grieving mother to just an attention seeker. Nothing she does will bring her son back. He was in the Army by choice.

I think she minimizes his and the others sacrifies by these protests. She should be honoring his memory. There are so many great charities like Operation Gratitude that she could be supporting that are about thanking the soldiers serving overseas and doing what we can to make their lives better now by sending care packages.

Even if she could talk to President Bush (again) does she really think he's going to pull the troops from Iraq because of her? It's just not reality.
on Oct 28, 2005

I think she minimizes his and the others sacrifies by these protests.

I think you just said it best.

on Oct 28, 2005

She doesn't speak for me.  She doesn't represent my views.  She descrates the honor of the fallen, of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that she could go spout off her nonsense.

Personally, I think she's mentally unhinged.  If I could speak to her personally, I'd tell her to go home and honor her son by getting on with her life, and to not say that she speaks for all military families because she sure as hell doesn't speak for me. 

on Oct 28, 2005
The funniest part of Cindy Sheehan's arrest last week is... Nobody cared!! ROFL!!!

It is T+16 minutes for Cindy.

Hey Cindy, maybe your three kids that are still at home could use a mother again?? Maybe???
on Oct 28, 2005
I could speak to her personally, I'd tell her to go home and honor her son by getting on with her life...

Hey Cindy, maybe your three kids that are still at home could use a mother again??

You assume that she was riled into protest through the loss of her son. She has been a rabid peacenik for years, which makes it all the more ironic that her son would join the Army in the first place. Considering his mom's stance on the military, that is.

It is T+16 minutes for Cindy.

T + 16 and counting, indeed.
on Oct 28, 2005
Can't somebody make this waste of flesh disappear? Or at the very least make sure the next time she enters a cell, Big Bertha shows her what kind of damage a tooth brush, a rubberband and a piece of razor blade can do.

Ah, a fellow CSI fan.

If only people like Sheehan would combine with people like those who killed themselves to get to that spaceship that was suppose to be behind a coment years ago, then maybe they could show their ant-war ideals by commiting mass suicide. She could get her message across and we would be rid of her all at once.
on Oct 28, 2005
Gotta wonder what went thru peoples minds when they saw this staged "die-in," lying head to toe on the sidewalk, show. Probably laughing as to laying on a floor where people spit, throw their chewng gum, where dogs do their thing, etc. That would have been pricesless video on a site like Did anyone actually get the point of the show? I wonder how many people were seen by movie directors and offered parts in movies as people dying? Well at least the entrence to the White House is much cleaner now.
on Oct 28, 2005
ShadowWar, You made the cover of the rolling stone! (Well, ok, Just JU, but way to go!)
on Oct 28, 2005
I intensly dislike war-protesters, to see the vietnam protests being played out all over again has givin me new nightmares and more than a little anger aimed at people like cindy Sh*t for brains.
on Oct 28, 2005
Even if she could talk to President Bush (again)

I don't believe she really wants to meet with Bush again. It was a convenient nail to hang her antics on. I think it was calculated in some back room by people smart enough to manipulate this dumb waif, calculated as a "sound bite"-like hook to gain maximum attention.

Everything she's done before, after, and including Crawford shows what she's all about: publicity stunts.
on Oct 28, 2005
It's not just that she's after publicity, it's the goals of the organizations that are in league with her, using her as a spokeswoman to gain publicity and power. This is all a media power-grab and it worked for a time on the media. The media isn't covering it like it used to anymore, moving on to new scandals and positions. The 16+ minutes are over and her increasingly desperate anticts are achiving nothing but apathy and disdain.
on Oct 29, 2005
It is interesting that her husband has finally decided to divorce her, and IMO bring some peace into his life.
on Oct 30, 2005
Bush lied to go to War and and the Corp Press covers for him. Any one with a brain with an internet can finds the facts. for starters
on Oct 30, 2005

Reply By: DUM AND JUST DUM(Anonymous User)

Appropriate name for some idiot who does not know squat.

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