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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
U. S. Forces Stop Potential IED Attacks in Afghanistan
Another thing you wont hear about in the MSM...
Published on October 28, 2005 By
Current Events
U. S. Forces Stop Potential IED Attacks in Afghanistan
American Forces Press Service
Oct. 28, 2005 – U. S. soldiers with 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, killed one enemy and detained two others who were to trying to plant roadside bombs today in the Waza Khwa district of Afghanistan's Paktika province, military officials reported.
The soldiers were patrolling from a forward operating base toward the Terwa Afghan border police site when they came across four individuals. U. S. forces killed one of them when he tried to escape and captured two others. The fourth man escaped.
The soldiers discovered two signal mirrors and blasting caps on the dead terrorist. They questioned the detained individuals and turned them over to the Afghan border police.
Elsewhere in Afghanistan, during offensive operations Oct. 27 near Deh Rahwod in Uruzgan province, Afghan National Army and U. S. forces were attacked with mortars and small-arms and rocket-propelled-grenade fire. One U. S. servicemember and an ANA soldier were wounded. They were taken to Tarin Kowt for treatment. Both were reported to be in stable condition.
In a second contact with the enemy near the first location, one ANA soldier was killed and another three were wounded. The wounded also were taken to Tarin Kowt, where one was reported to be in stable condition. The other two have been discharged back to their unit.
During another offensive operation north of Dah Rawood, two enemy fighters were killed after they fired upon coalition forces.
Thirteen insurgents were killed in the three engagements. Coalition aircraft and attack helicopters provided close-air support for the operations.
Now of course you heard about the three US soldiers who lost their lives today. But you will never hear about the above incidents, because they SAVED LIVES. What a shame and a sad statement about our MSM. If someone doesn't die, its not printed. Sad.
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Dr Guy
on Oct 28, 2005
Another thing you wont hear about in the MSM...
Thankfully we have you!
Dr Guy
on Oct 28, 2005
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