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One Americans view....like it or not..
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The accidental outcomes of the Iraq War.
What we don't hear about...
Published on November 29, 2005 By
War on Terror
The accidental outcomes of the Iraq War.
I am a cop (25 years worth) and instructor at the police academy in Gainesville Florida. I am also an old 3rd Infantry Soldier. “Rock of the Marne” to you! And in my position I get a chance to meet literally hundreds of police recruits. Starting several months ago and I guess even a few months before that and ever since I have noticed some interesting things happening in my police recruit classes. But recently I had a very interesting meeting with one of my recruits.
Recruit Lopez, now Deputy Sheriff Jose M. Lopez (Alachua County Sheriff’s Office) was one of my recent Police Recruits. As is my habit I asked the class who had military background and had any served in Iraq. Recruit Lopez and several others raised their hands. After asking them a few questions Recruit Lopez caught my attention. He made very little of his service time. When asked how long he served over in Iraq he said “bout a year.” The academy went on as it always does and I got to know the recruits better as the months went by. I learned something from Recruit Lopez though during this time. I keep my military medal citations in my office on my wall as I am proud of my accomplishments. Recruit Lopez in an off handed way and with all the humility I had ever seen in a student nonchalantly said he had gotten a “few awards” while in Iraq. When I pressed him further he listed them and then said almost as if embarrassed, that he had received the Bronze Star. Now for you non-military people the Bronze Star is nothing to sneeze at and his had been awarded for Valor.
The citation written in typical military language, which I got a copy of, did not reveal the true events of the day so I asked Recruit Lopez to tell me in his own words what happened. Here is how he described it.
About midnight on the 30th of June, 2003 he was assigned as the RTO (Radio Operator) for his unit. The unit was assigned to go to a location in Ar Ramadi and try to locate and capture Adnan Faahar, a high ranking terrorist. When they got to the location they thought he would be located at they came under very heavy enemy fire, which he says was an ambush. The enemy was located on rooftops, in buildings and alleyways and they were having a hard time isolating where hte incoming fire was coming from. It was during this fire fight that an terrorist threw a hand grenade near the Humvee that Lopez was in, when it went off it seriously injured 4 of his command staff. Lopez then manned a M240B machine gun and began to lay down suppressive fire to help cover those trying to aid the injured soldiers. Lopez also was able to kill several of the enemy by throwing a grenade into a location where they were receiving fire from. He killed at least two of the enemy and maybe injured or killed several more.
The injured soldiers were loaded onto the Humvee that Lopez was firing from and he was able to provide covering fire until the wounded were loaded and helped. The entire time this was going on Lopez was providing covering fire, to the point of having to resort to using the wounded soldiers weapons as he ran out of ammunition several times. As the unit withdrew, Lopez continued to engage stragglers of the terrorist that were foolish enough to try and engage the US Soldiers. Not once did he think of the chunk of grenade stuck in his thumb.
What makes all this important to me is the fact that while talking to Recruit Lopez, now Deputy Lopez I realized this is the type of young person that we are turning out now from our military. Hero’s who shake off the idea they are special. And the are! That they stand out from a crowd. That if I was ever to be out on the road again and involved in another shooting I would want Lopez right there by me. He has been tested by fire and he has come out stronger and his metal is tempered better for it. Yes we lose soldiers, yes we have soldiers injured and disabled. But we also have a whole new batch of young Americans who are heros and now Recruit Lopez has decided to continue to serve his fellow Americans by becoming a Deputy Sheriff. This speaks volumes of his character and dedication to his country, and what it stands for. I am thankful I got to meet him, be his instructor, and now call him friend. Thank you Jose for all you have done, will do, and all you represent.
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on Nov 29, 2005
Great story. Came very close to crying. Tell your friend Lopez that DJBandit also thanx him and his fellow soldiers for their sacrifice. I always thank all those who are willing to fight for what is right and for those who can't or chose not to fight for what ever reason. So I figure you fall in that category as well.
BTW if possible, can you get more stories from the front. It would be nice to hear it straight from the horses mouth rather than from CNN or NY Times.
Dr Guy
on Nov 29, 2005
He is a good man, and I think has had some good men to look up to and lead him! The most recent being you!. Excellent story.
on Nov 29, 2005
Thank you again Shadow. Once again someone emerges from the dust and grime to remind us who the heroes really are.
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