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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Citizens Turn Over 'Butcher of Ramadi' to Iraqi, U. S. Troop
You do see that says "CITIZENS" Right??
Published on December 10, 2005 By
Current Events
Dec. 9, 2005 – The terrorist known as "the Butcher of Ramadi" was detained today, turned in by local citizens in the provincial capital of Iraq's Anbar province, U. S. military officials in Iraq reported.
Amir Khalaf Fanus -- listed third on a "high-value individuals" list of terrorists wanted by the 28th Infantry Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team -- was wanted for criminal activities including murder and kidnapping. Ramadi citizens brought him to an Iraqi and U. S. forces military base in Ramadi, where he was taken into custody.
Fanus was well known for his crimes against the local populace. He is the highest-ranking al Qaeda in Iraq member to be turned in to Iraqi and U. S. officials by local citizens.
His capture is another indication that the local citizens tire of the terrorists' presence within their community, Multinational Force Iraq officials said, adding that Iraqi and U. S. forces have witnessed increasing signs of citizens fighting the terrorists in Ramadi as the Dec. 15 national elections draw near.
Officials said 1,200 more Iraqi soldiers recently have been posted in Ramadi. About 1,100 Iraqi special police commandos and a mechanized Iraqi army company completed their planned movement into the city. This plan has Iraqi security forces assuming more of the security responsibilities from the U. S. forces, officials said. As in other locations, as security improves, Iraqi police also will be introduced gradually.
(From a Multinational Force Iraq news release. )
I see this as just another example of what you dont hear on the MSM. The Iraqi people stepping up and where is the coverage? Oh thats right no one blew up or died.. Forgot..
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on Dec 10, 2005
Of course the ghouls in the MSM didn't cover this story, they are in mourning for the capture of their hero and leader.
Way to Go Iraqis!!!! You'll get your freedom in spite of the best efforts of the American far left who despise you and resent any freedom that isn't their own!!!
Dr Guy
on Dec 10, 2005
Actually Ted, I did hear this! ON Foxnews Radio! I was shocked that good news actually played! But I guess Fox, instead of just reporting real news, is just a mouth piece for the Bush Administration. Rightttttt!
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