This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Now theres a surprise.. I would have never thought of that one....
Published on December 10, 2005 By ShadowWar In Current Events
Dec. 9, 2005 – Enemies of a free Iraq recognize they can't win against the United States and the coalition on the battlefield, and the only way they can hope to win is in Washington, D.C., and through American public opinion, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Dec. 8.
"They can't win over there," Rumsfeld said on PBS' "News Hour With Jim Lehrer." "The only place they can win it is in Washington, D.C., and they know that. They are working on it, and they are working it skillfully."Really?? I would almost think the media actually wants the US to lose so that its a much more popular story, at least with the left. If we were to actually accomplish what we set out to do, imaine the hand wringing and cringing and hiding that will go on. And the only way you will know we have done this is by word of mouth or blogs like mine. Thats a sad statement for the main stream media.
In addition, the secretary said, "they lie" and use the media to circulate their misinformation. He cited false stories circulated by terrorists, including one about a Koran being flushed down a toilet at the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Several people died in riots that followed in Afghanistan, reportedly killing 16 and injuring more than 100 people.
Rumsfeld reiterated a point he made earlier this week: that journalists need to be more even-handed in their reporting and ensure they tell the whole story of what's happening in Iraq.
In the rush to get news out quickly, some reporters cut their fact-checking time short, he said. "To find the truth out takes weeks," he said. "To spread something that's not true takes five minutes. And it's all over the globe." What a great point! it rings true and shows how lazy our press is.<
Rumsfeld urged reporters to tell the complete story about Iraq - the progress as well as the violence that tends to dominate the headlines.
He questioned why people "see hundreds of stories on the negative side and handfuls of stories on the positive side about what is going on."
Troops on the ground know the real story, and share it with their friends and loved ones through e-mails and phone calls, the secretary said. But they continue to wonder why this story isn't finding its way into the media, he said.
"All I know is that there are 150,000 troops over there who keep asking me, what in the world is going on?" Rumsfeld said. "Why is the impression in the United States so notably different than the facts on the ground that they see every day?"

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on Dec 10, 2005
"Why is the impression in the United States so notably different than the facts on the ground that they see every day?"

Because it's intellectual laziness. It's far easier to make broad, false assumptions about a topic than actually investigate them. How many of the opinion-holders, right and left alike, have actually been to Iraq and seen for themselves? Not many, and that's why we look to the media to give us unvarnished, well-researched news items.

If I could give Rummy a cookie for his words, I would. He made excellent points.
on Dec 10, 2005
It's also because there are creeps and cretins like a certain C.O.L. that keeps crying about all things Bush related. The C.O.L. and his ilk so desperately want to see Bush defeated anywhere that they can't allow for any good news to come out of Iraq. It all has to be bad, bad, bad.

If there was a complete end to hostilities in Iraq tomorrow, there'd be a big "but monkey" from the C.O.L. about how we failed to do this, or didn't do that. But... but... but... That is all the C.O.L. and his friends know.

It says so many sad things about them, and yet they continue because they can't see past the blind hatred and actually acknowledge the truth. Instead, as the article above points out, these people are doing anything and everything they can to make what should very much be considered a victory look like a loss. Pathetic.
on Dec 10, 2005

Because it's intellectual laziness. It's far easier to make broad, false assumptions about a topic than actually investigate them.

It goes beyond that.  They have investigated, and when their results turn up stuff contradictory to their views, even when they generate it, they contradict their own research!