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One Americans view....like it or not..
This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Laying it on the line
Don't let the facts hit you in the butt on your way out!!
Published on December 21, 2005 By
War on Terror
OK I am going to lay it one the line so to say here so get ready!!!
With the Iraqi elections over, and a huge turn out of voters, even the Sunni’s, that some polling places had to stay open late, add ballots, and get help for transporting so many votes. (I only wish the U.S. Voters were like that, but that’s another story), and a steady DECLINE (
) in attacks on U.S. and Coalition forces, and a marked DECREASE (
) in attacks on Iraqis and an INCREASE (
) of Iraqi citizens taking the step of turning in the terrorist BEFORE they attack someone, I think we may be looking at something good going on here.
I know I am going out on a limb here, but have you noticed that since there has been a serious (30%+) decrease in all these attacks, that the main stream media is backing off a bit on the reporting of the negative, negative, negative? Did you also notice that the media has backed off a bit on the anti-Bush stuff pertaining to why we went to war since Bush admitted that he got flawed intel? And that he was responsible? Got a little quieter from the left on trying to blame him. He accepted the blame and said he was working to try and fix those Intel problems that gave him the flawed intel to begin with. Hmm. Got quite in the press.
Many of you who know me know I have close friends and former students of mine currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I e-mail and even talk on the phone with them on occasion. EVERY single one says things are getting better over there almost daily. Yes they still have IEDs and a few terrorist dumb enough to take them on once and a while. But now the terrorist have resorted to the kidnapping of peace activist!. LOL
I am on the DOD Press Corp list and get many press releases and other articles from them on a daily basis. And while looking over a weekends worth the other day something dawned on me. I have been told that the DOD is biased and all I am getting is the good news. Well I beg to differ. I get a press release every single time a U.S. Solider is killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. I don’t know of any more of an eye opener to the bad things than that. Even in some of my post I post that information ( Look near the bottom of this article.
) But I have to say one of the best things I get is a weekly report by the military called “The Advisor”. Its designed for in country soldiers, and it’s a great read. If any of you are interested in getting a copy of it also let me know and I will make a point of sending you a copy as I get them. They are once a week. And the news is written by soldiers, for soldiers. Its good stuff and a very interesting look at what is going on in country.
I see Iraqi’s doing great things, stepping up and taking responsibility for their own country more and more
there troops getting better and better at taking the place of U.S. and Coalition troops and being able to take over security of their own country. During the week of Dec 7th to Dec 14th, in Iraq, 334 insurgents were detained or killed and 84 weapons caches were discovered during 514 operations throughout the country. Of those operations, 52 percent included Iraqi Security Forces. Twenty-two percent were
independently run by ISF. .
I see that as a good sign. We are turning base after base over to the new Iraqi Army. The largest base we had in Iraq was recently turned over to the Iraqi Army.
Since the Iraqi election did you know that the new Iraqi Government that was just elected will have some say in how many troops we have in Iraq? How many of you knew that??
So to all those that say we are losing, we should leave, we are not doing any good ( Read these projects, 3800+!!!
), and more and more Iraqi’s and U.S. Soldiers are being killed and are not accomplishing anything I say “KISS MY BEHIND!” You are blinded by some form of hatred for someone, I know not who but the facts do not support you. SO to you I say, WE ARE WINNING, WE ARE DOING GOOD, and the IRAQI PEOPLE DO APPRECIATE IT. They are showing it by their participation in the elections and their beginning to work with the Iraqi Army to turn in the terrorist.
Sorry it turned out so well in Iraq. But hey, someone had to be right, I know your just sorry it was not you.
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on Dec 21, 2005
I would like to receive that report by the military called “The Advisor”. My email is
at yahoo. Thanx for the offer.
on Dec 21, 2005
I would like to receive that report by the military called “The Advisor”. My email is charlesboricua at yahoo. Thanx for the offer.
The newest addition is already on the way and I will make a e-mail list to send out when I get them. Thanks for caring enough to want to see the other side..
on Dec 24, 2005
Love your website ShadowWar.
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War on Terror
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