This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
ahhh the travesty of it all..
Published on January 17, 2006 By ShadowWar In Current Events

  U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Neil Morrison, explosive ordnance disposal technician with the 710th Ordnance Company, packs a 1,000-pound bomb with plastic explosives, Dec. 16, 2005. Nearly 20,000 tons of munitions were destroyed in Area Echo, north of Baghdad, Iraq. The ammunition dump housed tons of ordnance stockpiled by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's military.

  Racks of 1,000-pound bombs were housed in the Taji Ammunition Dump, known as Area Echo, north of Baghdad, Iraq. Nearly 20,000 tons of munitions were destroyed in Area Echo. U.S. Army explosive ordnance disposal technicians assigned to the 710th Ordnance Company detonated the last seven 1,000 pound bombs, Dec. 16, 2005.

  Nearly 20,000 tons of munitions were destroyed in the Taji Ammunition Dump, known as Area Echo, north of Baghdad, Iraq. The ammunition dump housed tons of ordnance stockpiled by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's military.

  U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Neil Morrison, an explosive ordnance disposal technician with the 710th Ordnance Company, packs a 1,000-pound bomb with plastic explosives, Dec. 16, 2005. Nearly 20,000 tons of munitions were destroyed in Area Echo ammunition dump north of Baghdad, Iraq. The removal of these munitions contributes to increased safety for both coalition forces and Iraqis

  A U.S. soldier assigned to Headquarters Troop, 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, prepares a pile of munitions for demolition in rural east Baghdad, Iraq. A scrap-metal junkyard was cleared of unexploded ordnance, which included 1,135 mortar rounds, 632 artillery rounds, 195 rockets, 22 mines and six bombs.

  Iraqis look over a pile of unexploded ordnance collected during a 12-day sweep of a junkyard in rural east Baghdad, Iraq. U.S. soldiers assigned to Task Force Baghdad and Iraqi contractors cleared the junkyard of munitions which included 1,135 mortar rounds, 632 artillery rounds, 195 rockets, 22 mines and six bombs during the operation

Just a few of the 1000's of tons of weapons and munitions we have found and destroyed. So much so the Terrorist are resorting to making explosives out of fertilyzer now. LOL Not that all our hard work is haveing any effect on them or anything. Sure wouldn't want to give that impression. Oh and I love that in the last few days there have been two seperate occasions where the bombers blew themselves up planting the IED's. LOL Wonder if the training of these terrrorist is geting effected and they are running out of "trained" terrorist and resorting to just anyone stupid enough to try this stuff. I hope so.

Oh I almost forgot: The last week of 2005 results for the week.

Combined operations: 191

IEDs found and cleared: 153

anti-Iraqi forces detained: 275

foreign fighters captured or killed: 9

Weapons caches found and cleared:137




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on Jan 17, 2006
but we would have heard about each one, had the bacteria been able to use them against our troops.

thanks again for doing the press' job for them!
on Jan 17, 2006
thanks again for doing the press' job for them!

That's the key, isn't it? The press isn't doing its job.
on Jan 17, 2006
thanks again for doing the press' job for them!
on Jan 17, 2006
This clearly now justifies everything the Americans do in Iraq. Thank you.
on Jan 18, 2006
FAO(Anonymous User)

You seem to assume that people who point out things like this are trying to justify the war in Iraq. We're not. The war was justified the day Saddam broke the terms of the cease fire. I believe what the writer was trying to get across, since it seems to have to be spelled out for you, is that anything that doesn't fit in with the Leftist - MainStream Media's agenda driven opposition to the war is going to be ignored by the evening news. You're welcome.
on Jan 18, 2006
"The war was justified the day Saddam broke the terms of the cease fire."

I'm not talking about the case for the war. I'm talking about the actions of US troops towards Iraqis. I'm talking assumed cultural superiority and 'collateral damage' (euphemism for military incompetence).
on Jan 18, 2006
"MainStream Media's agenda driven opposition to the war..."

Oh, Fox News you mean. We all know how Rupert Murdoch is a dripping leftie. Please!
on Jan 18, 2006
Oh, Fox News you mean. We all know how Rupert Murdoch is a dripping leftie. Please!

I keep hearing the "Rupert Murdoch" argument. It assumes that, since Rupert Murdoch is rich or even not a "lefty" that the MSM can't be left leaning.

However, the coverage of the war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, The Coal Mine tragedy, even Jessica Lynch. In fact almost every major story over the last decade has been botched by the lefted leaning stance of the MSM.

Show me ANY proof that the "Rupert Murdock" argument has ANY validity.
on Jan 18, 2006
"Show me ANY proof that the "Rupert Murdock" argument has ANY validity."

Fox News is 24hr rolling validity. Whine and complain all you want, but the only reason there has been a ANTI-WAR backlash (not "left wing") is because the media were involved in a sordid Faustian pact in the US & UK and they have reacted badly to the deception of the run up to the war.
on Jan 18, 2006
"Hurricane Katrina"

How the hell can coverage of a hurricane be "left wing"? What? Were they suggesting socialism was the answer for the washed up residents?
on Jan 18, 2006
"Hurricane Katrina"

How the hell can coverage of a hurricane be "left wing"? What? Were they suggesting socialism was the answer for the washed up residents?

Very easy. Just look at all the apologies and coverups that were given for the mayor of NO and the governor of LA for not doing their job. All done by the media.
on Jan 18, 2006
the only reason there has been a ANTI-WAR backlash (not "left wing") is because the media were involved in a sordid Faustian pact in the US & UK and they have reacted badly to the deception of the run up to the war.

That's one of the funniest things I've read in awhile. Thanks for making my evening.

on Jan 18, 2006

During Hurricane Katrina, almost none of the apocolyptic stories the press were reporting were true. There were NO murders in the Superdome, the only military helicopter that was "shot at" was someone trying to signal to it. It was all overblown with "Bush's Fault" added in one form or another in each of the faulty reports.

The press tried to paint every problem in the preparation and relief operation as "Bush's Fault" (whether the problem was at the federal level at all). They completely ignored the FACT that the New Orleans Comprehensive Emergency Plan was NEVER followed. They never reported that billions had been sent to New Orleans for upkeep of the levies, but somehow the money seemed to find itself being used for "other" purposes.

In other words. As bad as the preparation and recovery went, the press managed to do a worse job. Mostly from complete incompetence, but partially because all they really cared about was how Bush could be blamed.

As far as Iraq goes, if the MSM is slanted towards the "right", where are the stories of weapons captured? Where are the stories of humanitarian projects? When you do hear them, they are ALWAYS accompanied by the number of deaths, or some other negative shot.

Either way, you still haven't shown me anything about how the "Rupert Murdock" argument works.
on Jan 19, 2006

CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN HL > FOX , simple math if you ask me. 5 > 1, and still Fox does pretty well.

From today:

Total day:(number of viewers) FNC: 257,000 / CNN: 137,000 / MSNBC: 96,000 / HLN: 87,000 / CNBC: 39,000

Primetime: FNC: 390,000 / CNN: 197,000 / MSNBC: 148,000 / HLN: 131,000 / CNBC: 47,000

Guess this shows what kind of coverage most peple want.  From: