WARNING!! Parts of this video are graphic, use your judgement on who you show it too.
Now with that said. The video that plays from this link http://ips.sfcc.edu/ips/CEW/VBIED(LOWRES).wmv (just paste it in Windows Media Player or whatever player you use) is a video of a VBIED (vehicle bourne improvised Explosive device) that did not go off as planned. The driver rammed his car into and M1 Abrams tank and totalled his vehicle, trapping him inside by the legs. He is alive and awake. No US Forces were injured.
The EOD guys use a robot to approach and examine the vehicle and discover its a VBIED loaded with explosives. The also can see the driver very well and see he is trapped by the legs because of the crash damage to the vehicle. They place a disrupter charge under the vehicle and disable the explosives, and the driver. Great job by the EOD guys and the robot. No innocent lives are lost.
This is what our men and women face daily in Iraq. God bless them and keep them safe. One of my very favorite students (the one I wrote that article that got published on News Year day (http://www.gainesville.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060101/EDITORIALS0101/201010322/-1/editorials07) is leaving Friday (02/03/06) for his second tour in Iraq. Spc. Jose Lopez. He is the one that already has won the Bronze Star for valor, for saving the lives of several of his platoon leaders in a fire fight. Please keep him and all the others (like TW's husband) in your prayers.
I am so proud of each and every one of them, and GOD being my witness if I wasn't too old and disabled from my first enlistment, I would be right there with Jose, helping keep him and my other brothers and sisters in arms safer. I love them all.