I found a letter from a father of a solider killed in Iraq on a web site that is pro terrorist and reports items as "resistance" fighters and such. His son was killed in 2003 and the web site uses his letter as a propaganda tool. I wonder if he knows his words are posted as being pro-terrorist and supporting the "resistance". http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m20248&hd=0&size=1&l=e The letter was originally sent and published on an local paper in his area. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/257833_veterandad02.html
I did a little more research and then found out that " His parents, Joe, 62, and Pat, 60, are peace activists who have marched against the Vietnam War, the Trident submarine base across Puget Sound from Seattle and the Iraq War. " http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/146769_casualty04.html Which they have every right to do. I just wonder if the know the are now poster children for the terrorist?
On this same site I find they have "her that will remain nameless" has written several things they use. She is even getting fan letters from the Terrorist! http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m20231&hd=0&size=1&l=e . A search of the website shows more than 5000 hits for her name. Bet her son would be so proud of her.
I wonder if people who do these type of things (besides "her that will remain nameless") know that they are being used by the supporters of terrorist and the terrorist themselves to support their goals and objectives?
Here is an article from the same web site that I found to be very interesting to say the least, its title:
Media Responsibilities: Reasons We Publish What We Publish
Les Blough, Editor, Axis of Logic
Feb 2, 2006
I agree with Robert Thompson's assessment of the publication of anti-Muslim political cartoons in Jyllands-Posten in Copenhagen. The publication caused uproar resulting in a powerful boycott against the purchase of Danish goods, internationally. Any honest reader must agree that these cartoons were obviously designed to cause distress, conflict, and hatred toward Islam and Muslims. Rather than encouraging the reader to give this publisher more traffic, we will briefly describe 2 of the cartoons to allay curiousity. They are not worth viewing. One of the cartoons depicts the Prophet Mohammed as a "terrorist" and another is a slur against all Muslims everywhere. Those who claim the right to free speech as a defense of this sort of publication are either confused or are of the same meanness of spirit and mind that is expressed in the cartoons. Predictably, the publisher attempts a "free press" defense for what it has done.
That is just the first paragraph. You will find the rest of it just as entertaining. |
: http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m20251&hd=0&size=1&l=e
Folks, its sad. Its sad that people don't wake up and see what’s really going on and how they are being used by a culture and religion that professes one thing and then turns around and does just that which they profess is not them. They cheer when the dead are Americans or others that support America, yet they decry it when it is a rifle or RPG toting "resistance" terrorist who was attempting to do just what they say they don't do.
This war is not against the Iraqi Insurgents, or the Iraqi people, or any small group of "resistance" fighters. Its against a religion and culture that has festered for centuries and now has an outlet for its violent and deadly tendencies. Its against a group that openly state their religion requires they kill any who not only openly oppose them, but even those that dare just speak out against them or now, even draw a cartoon. In the US artist are free to desecrate the Christian religion by placing what to some are sacred symbols in urine, throwing feces on other objects like that, and all is "OK" because its protected by "freedom of expression". But you do that to one of these fanatical Islamist symbols and you are threatened with death and violence.
This type of information only makes me more and more convinced that the US is the greatest nation in the world and that our soldiers are doing great things when they capture and kill the Islamic Radicals that are inciting the rest to violence. Another of the problems is why have the Muslims who are true Muslims and detest this type of violence, why have they not stepped forward and denounced these terrorist in greater numbers? It might be because the Muslim religion says one Muslim should not speak out against another Muslim in favor of an "infidel". But yet they will use what infidels write and say to try and further their cause. Well I guess it will come down to who is able to stop who. I have a feeling I know who will ultimately "win" this war. And I am glad I am on that side of the "line in the sand."