This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
Its time to step up or shut up!
Published on February 8, 2006 By ShadowWar In War on Terror

That's it, I am sick of it, its such a crock of bulls&^t I can't take it anymore. Here is what I think of your so called outrage!!!

Where was the Muslim outrage when:

Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City, killing 3000+ Americans (some of which were Muslims!) . No Muslim outrage.

Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia, A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq . No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt . No Muslim outrage.

A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India . Kills six. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan , Russia . Muslims shoot children in the back, blow them up, make them sit for days in their own feces and urine. No Muslim outrage.

Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel . No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali . No Muslim outrage.

Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage

Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.

Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged.

Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims .. no Muslim outrage ... but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose.

Come on, is this really about cartoons? They're rampaging and burning flags. They're looking for Europeans to kidnap. They're threatening innkeepers and generally raising holy Muslim hell not because of any outrage over a cartoon. They are burning embassies (which is an act of war by the way!)They're outraged because it is part of the Islamic jihadist culture to be outraged. You don't really need a reason. You just need an excuse. Wandering around, destroying property, murdering children, firing guns into the air and feigning outrage over the slightest perceived insult is to a jihadist what tailgating is to a Steeler's fan.

I know and understand that these bloodthirsty murderers do not represent the majority of the world's Muslims. When, though, do the majority, so called peace loving Muslims become outraged? When do they take to the streets to express their outrage at the radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule? Islamic writer Salman Rushdie wrote of these silent Muslims in a New York Times article three years ago. "As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?"

Indeed. Why not? Could it be because they down deep support these radicals? Maybe they are scared of them? I don’t know but if they won’t stop them, I know a few people who will.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 08, 2006
You clearly don't understand Islam.
on Feb 08, 2006
" You clearly don't understand Islam."

No, when people behead schoolchildren and no one seems to care, and yet riot when people publish cartoons, well, no I don't understand Islam either. It may seem all elevated to sit there and relish the fact that you somehow understand it, but lets not forget that people quite often hatefully destroy things they don't understand.

So, I think it is time Islam makes itself understood, or suffers the consequences. If they don't want themselved defined as insane radicals, maybe they should take steps to make sure it isn't just the radicals nuts who are defining them.
on Feb 08, 2006

Glad you converted your response into an Article.  Now let's see who can respond and answer the question.

You clearly don't understand Islam.

I dont understand mass murderers either.  And feel no need to.  Just contain them and make sure they are impotent.

on Feb 08, 2006

Reply By: Andrew J. BrehmPosted: Wednesday, February 08, 2006
You clearly don't understand Islam.
THEN ENLIGHTEN ME PLEASE, I would love to understand this.. but I am having trouble, as is the VAST majority of AMerica and the rest of the non-Muslim world.
on Feb 08, 2006
Good article, Shadow. My sentiments exactly.

I doubt you'd find Iron City, perhogies and brots at a Muslim protest, though. Definitely not the brots!

Andrew B.:

What is it, exactly, that we're supposed to understand? I understand perfectly well that many, many, many of these people seem to hate us and also seem to want to kill us. I understand equally well that the vast, "silent" majority seems okay with this sentiment, because they say and do absolutely nothing to oppose it.
I also understand that we're no real threat to Muslims, and never really have been. Until they came after us, of course.
When's the last time Westerners came out in mass protest against Islam itself? Burnt Islamic leaders in effigy? Blew up a building full of Muslims? Never; not even after the mass death and destruction of 9/11. Not even after the attacks in Spain and London.

Yet, a couple cartoons get published, and it's "Katy bar the door".

I understand that, as I said on another thread, Arabs have been spiteful, vindictive, thin-skinned and easily offended ever since Abraham kicked Ishmael out into the desert in favor of Isaac. Outrage over virtually nothing is their true medium. They're masters.
Islam eventually came along and threw more gas on their fire.

They'd better hope the West never again rediscovers its ability to be outraged. We came very close in the days following 9/11, but lost it again.
on Feb 08, 2006
You don't really need a reason. You just need an excuse

Exactly. Any fekkin' excuse will do. Any excuse to beat, torture, behead or otherwise kill. Any excuse to riot and burn embassies. They get their knickers in a twist over a cartoon, yet they think nothing of stoning some poor girl to death because someone said she wasn't a virgin. They also think nothing of lopping off some man's right hand because he was caught stealing food for his family. They quite happily loop a noose around the neck of a man who was caught consuming alcohol, attach the other end to a crane and proceed to lift the arm up, subjecting the man to death by stangulation.

They do all of that without batting an eyelid, yet they riot over a drawing. What utter bullshit.

You know what the scary thing is? They'd happily commit all of the above atrocities on us westerners. That's their plan, and I defy anyone who has seen the recent photos of muslims waving banners saying things like 'europe is the cancer, islam is the answer' to tell me any different; that it's NOT their aim to have us all bowing before Allah *spits*.

I guess I don't understand Islam either, huh?
on Feb 08, 2006
Naturally I can only write about the things I have knowledge about. But this one is patently false:

Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali . No Muslim outrage.

There was plenty of Muslim outrage about this one. Fundamentalist Indonesians may not like the vast majority of tourists who come to Bali (if you've been there you'd know why) but they were against it as much as anyone. The Balinese minority Muslim population were just as incensed as the majority Hindus. It was Indonesian Muslims who rounded up and imprisoned the perpetrators of both bombings, on information provided by Indonesian Muslims. It wasn't a matter Indonesian Islam was okay with. Some of the country's most famous and influential Muslims put calls out on TV shows for anyone who knew anything to report to police (a dangerous and rare event in itself; the police in Indonesia are about as trustworthy as a card shark, and everyone knows it).

The Indonesian government and people even tolerated the sacrificing of a small amount of sovereignty so that the AFP could assist in the investigations.

Sure, there was no rioting. But there's no terrorist offices or embassies, so there was noone to protest at.
on Feb 08, 2006

What is it, exactly, that we're supposed to understand?

I don't know.

That was just what the lefties kept telling me.
on Feb 08, 2006

But there's no terrorist offices or embassies

Of course there are. Try Syria and Iran for embassies; or our old friend Saudi Arabia.

Hizbollah have offices in Lebanon. Journalists visit them. Hamas have offices in Gaza.

Plenty of targets if anybody wants to burn down terrorist embassies or offices during a riot.
on Feb 08, 2006
"There was plenty of Muslim outrage about this one."

As compared to the cartoons? So there were like two solid weeks of riots in protest to Muslims killing innocent people? I don't remember that. I remember a few statements. If the cartoons had brought about a few statements I would see your point.

No, there are no terrorist embassies. People live beside them, though. People in Palestine vote for them.
on Feb 08, 2006
I saw a Middle East expert on TV last night who said many Muslim leaders have condemned atrocities such as the ones you listed. I guess they don't get much attention unless they riot in the streets.
on Feb 08, 2006
I saw a Middle East expert on TV last night who said many Muslim leaders have condemned atrocities such as the ones you listed. I guess they don't get much attention unless they riot in the streets.

When was the last time you saw a terrorist attacked by an angry crowd of Muslims? Words are just words. This cartoon farce just shows that when people are motivated to end something they do more. They're just more interested in silencing those critical of Islam than stopping people who murder innocents.

When they see a cartoon they storm through Christian neighborhoods in a nation thousands of miles away from Denmark. Someone beheads a hostage and they *might* issue a statement to the press. You can't validate that kind of double standard.
on Feb 08, 2006
Muslim leaders have condemned atrocities such as the ones you listed.

You mean like the Saudis, who shake their heads, tsk-tsk and shrug?
The "shrug" always turns out to be them handing money to the terrorists.
on Feb 08, 2006
You mean like the Saudis, who shake their heads, tsk-tsk and shrug?

My husband did a couple of tours in Saudi, and during his time there he got to work with the Saudi Army and work with some of them. He said that they often told him 'Allah does not see what happens outside of the country' (as in abroad).

And yes, it IS typical behaviour of the Saudi's to turn their faces away and their noses up.
on Feb 08, 2006
When was the last time you saw a terrorist attacked by an angry crowd of Muslims? Words are just words. This cartoon farce just shows that when people are motivated to end something they do more. They're just more interested in silencing those critical of Islam than stopping people who murder innocents.

It happens reasonably often in Indonesia's poorer areas, particularly poor tourist-related areas. Apparently there was an incident involving fundies in my village, but no one ever went into specifics so I don't know what happened there. And when one of the Bali bombers was killed in an explosion in Batu there was a week of what could be called celebrations I suppose. Big signs were hung everywhere with pictures of the three terrorists with the dead guy crossed out and 'two more to go' written underneath. You could get fairy floss at the bombsite, and people were taking their kids to see it.

You mean like the Saudis, who shake their heads, tsk-tsk and shrug?
The "shrug" always turns out to be them handing money to the terrorists.

The Saudis are notorious for it. It's a wonder noone's decided to end the tyranny there and fight terrorism the easiest way - by attacking the source.
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