This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces discovered a large amount of documents and videos ranging from plans to critiques, including al-Qaida in Iraq’s strategy in Baghdad during an April 16 raid in the Yusifiyah area.

The documents show how the terrorist organization lacks leadership, military capability and Iraqi support.

“This information confirms what the Government of Iraq, Coalition forces and ultimately the people of Iraq already know - that al-Qaida in Iraq’s role only attempts to impede Iraqis in following the road to prosperity, security and national unity,” said Brig. Gen. Rudy Wright, Multi-National Force – Iraq spokesman

After discovering these documents, the translated versions were sent to Coalition forces’ leadership for analysis.

The al-Qaida author of the “Baghdad Strategy” and the “Baghdad State of Affairs” is unknown, but officials think he is a significant leader within the terrorist organization.

The latter memorandum outlines al-Qaida terrorists in Iraq have no strategy, that the ‘…mujahideen are not considered more than a daily annoyance to the Shiite government…’, and that the ‘…mujahideen in Baghdad are generally groups of assassins without any organized military capabilities.’

According to the translated al-Qaida documents, the Mujahideen’s only power lies in surprise ‘hit and run’ attacks, or setting up explosive charges and booby traps that predominantly target civilian men, women and children.

“The actions of the Iraqi Security Forces are having a significant negative impact on the Mujahideen’s ability to operate in Baghdad. Al-Qaida in Iraq attacks Mosques and other public places to draw media attention and is having difficulty recruiting members because the people of Iraq do not support its cause,”said the author who translated the Baghdad State of Affairs document.

Here is the englesh tranlation of the document: (so you can make up your own conclusions)

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A glance at the reality of Baghdad in light of the latest events (sectarian turmoil)


  1. It has been proven that the Shiites have a power and influence in Baghdad that  cannot be taken lightly, particularly when the  power of  the Ministries of Interior and Defense is given to them, compared with the power of the mujahidin in Baghdad. During a military confrontation, they will be in a better position because they represent the power of the state along with the power of the popular militias.  Most of the mujahidin power lies in surprise attacks (hit and run) or setting up explosive charges and booby traps. This is a different matter than a battle with organized forces that possess machinery and suitable communications networks. Thus, what is fixed in the minds of the Shiite and Sunni population is that the Shiites are stronger in Baghdad and closer to controlling it while the mujahidin (who represent the backbone of the Sunni people) are not considered more than a daily annoyance to the Shiite government.  The only power the mujahidin have is what they have already demonstrated in hunting down drifted patrols and taking sniper shots at those patrol members who stray far from their patrols, or planting booby traps among the citizens and hiding among them in the hope that the explosions will injure an American or members of the government.  In other words, these activities could be understood as hitting the scared and the hiding ones, which is an image that requires a concerted effort to change, as well as Allah’s wisdom. 
  2. The strength of the brothers in Baghdad is built mainly on booby trapped cars, and most of the mujahidin groups in Baghdad are generally groups of assassin without any organized military capabilities.
  3. There is a clear  absence of organization among the groups of the brothers in Baghdad, whether at the leadership level in Baghdad, the brigade leaders, or their groups therein.  Coordination among them is very difficult, which appears clearly when the group undertake a join operations
  4. The policy followed by the brothers in Baghdad is a media oriented policy without a clear comprehensive plan to capture an area or an enemy center. Other word, the significance of the strategy of their work is to show in the media that the American and the government do not control the situation and there is resistance against them.  This policy dragged us to the type of operations that are attracted to the media, and we go to the streets from time to time for more possible noisy operations which follow the same direction.

This direction has large positive effects; however, being preoccupied with it alone delays more important operations such as taking control of some areas, preserving it and assuming power in Baghdad (for example, taking control of  a university, a hospital, or a Sunni religious site). 


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At the same time, the Americans and the Government were able to absorb our painful blows, sustain them, compensate their losses with new replacements, and follow strategic plans which allowed them in the past few years to take control of Baghdad as well as other areas one after the other.  That is why every year is worse than the previous year as far as the Mujahidin’s control and influence over Baghdad.  .


  1. The role that the Islamic party and the Islamic Scholars Committee play in numbing the Sunni people through the media is a dangerous role.  It has been proven from the course of the events that the American investment in the Party and the Committee were not in vain.  In spite of  the gravity of the events, they were able to calm down the Sunni people, justify the enemy deeds, and give the enemy the opportunity to do more work without any recourse and supervision. This situation stemmed from two matters:


n      First, their media power is presented by their special radio and TV stations as the sole Sunni information source, coupled with our weak media which is confined mainly to the Internet, without a flyer or newspaper to present these events.

n      Second, in the course of their control of the majority of the speakers at mosques who convert right into wrong and wrong into right, and present Islam in a sinful manner and sins in a Muslim manner.  At the same time we did not have any positive impact or benefits from our operations.


  1. The mujahidin do not have any stored weapons and ammunition in their possession in Baghdad, particularly rockets, such as C5K Katyosha or bomber or mortars which we realized their importance and shortage in Baghdad.  That was due to lack of check and balance, and proper follow-ups.


  1. The National Guard status is frequently raised and whether they belong to the Sunnis or Shiites. Too much talk is around whether we  belong to them or not, or should we strike and kill their men or not?


It is believed that this matter serves the Americans very well. I believe that the Committee and the Party are pushing this issue because they want to have an influence, similar to the Mujahidin’s. When and if a Sunni units from the National Guard are formed, and begin to compete with the mujahidin and squeeze them, we will have a problem; we either let them go beyond the limits or fight  them and risk inciting the Sunnis against us through the Party’s and the Committee’s channels.


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I believe that we should not allow this situation to exist at all, and we should bury it before it surfaces and reject any suggestion to that effect.


  1. (Salah), the military commander of Baghdad (he used to be the commander of the Rassafah County and still is) is a courageous young man with a good determination but he has little and simple experience in the military field and does not have a clear vision about the current stage and how to deal with it   Most of his work at al-Rassafah County is to take cars to the Jubur Arab Tribes, convert them into booby traps and take them back inside Baghdad for explosion.  And the more booby trap cars he makes, the more success he has.  This alone is not a work plan and we do not benefit from it in the medium range let alone the long range.


  1. (Salah):  The current commander of Northern al-Karkh (Abu-Huda) is very concerned because of his deteriorating security situation caused by being pursued by the Americans, since they have his picture and voice print.  Therefore, his movement is very restricted and he is unable to do anything here. We should remove him from Baghdad to a location where he can work easier; otherwise he is closer to become totally ineffective.  I know nothing about his past military experience or organizational skills.


  1. (Salah): Northern al-Karkh groups are estimated at 40 mujahid, so is the Southern Karkh.  They could double that number if necessary.  Al-Rassafah groups in general is estimated at 30 mujahidin as I was informed by the commander of al-Rassafah. These are very small numbers compared to the tens of thousands of the enemy troops.  How can we increase these numbers?


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End of Document/Translation

I find this very intereting information, especially since many say we have lost this war, its time to pull out, its a failure. LOL Gues someone forget to tell the terrorist that.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 10, 2006
Of course, one of two things will happen with this:

It will be considered a CIA plant.

It will be discounted, even if verified.
on May 10, 2006
Damn! I will just have to say ditto to Daiwa. He beat me to the insightful comment.
on May 11, 2006
But I thought we were losing. ? Hmmm, now what?
on May 12, 2006
>US says captured Qaeda document shows weakness

Yep brought to you by the same agencies that plant stories in Iraqi newspapers.
gimme a break, if you cant see through this ...
oh forget it
on May 12, 2006
>US says captured Qaeda document shows weakness

Yep brought to you by the same agencies that plant stories in Iraqi newspapers.
gimme a break, if you cant see through this ...
oh forget it

So now the army is nothing but a bunch of "liars"! Right rombios? You know more than they do....correct? Why don't you try growing a brain!
on May 12, 2006
>So now the army is nothing but a bunch of "liars"! Right rombios?

Have I ever said they werent?

>You know more than they do....correct?

No I know when I am being hoodwinked ... thats the difference. This is the same nonsense that led Clinton to bomb the Sudan.
propaganda ... used whenever its politically "CONVENIENT"

>Why don't you try growing a brain!

You are a puppet dr miller. if you are told that the world was flat you would accept ...
You are the "sheeple" in animal farm
four legs good two legs bad right?

Get a clue dude ... even my drunk brother in law knows this is all bullcrap ... hes sober two hours a day tops
on May 12, 2006
>So now the army is nothing but a bunch of "liars"!

Pat Tilman "story"
Jessica Lynch "story"
We dont use napalm "story"
We dont torture and rape "story"
The people we bombed in that home were all terrorists "story"

My hands are tied ...
on May 13, 2006
The Tillman "story" bugs me. A lot.
The Jessica Lynch "story" bugs me. A little.
The napalm "story" ain't.
The torture/rape "story" ain't.
The bombed terrorist "story" doesn't bug me.

It ain't all black & white. And my prediction was spot on.
on May 13, 2006
Lets review a little shall we:
put yourself in the shoes of a group resisting occupation troops ... you KNOW the occupation wants your heads ... would you
PURPOSEFULLY name yourself Al Queda in Iraq?
Either you are the stupidiest bunch of idiots alive or its propaganda generated by us.

Now if you are the stupidest bunch of idiots alive .. .HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that our soldiers have not been able to capture
your leader for over three years???)

answer: because you are a fabrication of our Psy Ops people.
I am reminded of the into to the old Knight Ridder show with Hasselhof:
"the shadowy flaint into the dangerous world of a man ... WHO DOES NOT EXIST"

Now step back a little and think for just one moment.
In order to justify this immoral war and aggression against an innocent country we needed the following (at least two out
of three)

1) wmd
2) bad leader
3) connection to terrorists

1 and 3 were lies from the get go ... 2 is just about any leader of any nation we dont like.

If you were conducting this war and needed public support (and YES its their lives on the line so you need their support
whether at 28% or not) which of the following would help you

1) "discovering" a convenient series of letters exchanges from a group calling itself Al Queda in Iraq (something that
oddly enough DIDNT exist under Hussein' watch but suddenly turns up now) .. thereby justifying your continued presense

2) unrelated groups doing everything possible to disrupt civil life in the hopes of driving you out ... "freedom fighters" to others of us if you will

Look thats all I am asking ...

We all have busy lives and like to have others do the thinking and analysis for us and happily accept their label as
"experts". All I am saying is

sit down
shut everything off
kick everyone out of the room
take out a piece of paper and list everything you remember
draw lines to connect points
reach your own conclusions

From the past administration to this one ... its nothing but liars in office
on May 13, 2006
>Coalition forces discovered a large amount of documents and videos ranging from plans to critiques

Bagdag has no running water and sewage system ... no electricity (infracture and power grids we bombed during hostilities)
and power on for no more than 3 hours a day

these "al queda" in iraq have time to make MUSIC VIDEOS???
are you fricking kidding me????

wake up people ... wake the f up
on May 13, 2006
1) wmd
2) bad leader
3) connection to terrorists

1 and 3 were lies from the get go ... 2 is just about any leader of any nation we dont like.

Oh really? Then what was the documented find of 500 tons of yellowcake for? Someones birthday? And no ties what so ever, huh. Then explain this from the Washingtonpost:

A Bush campaign spokesman countered that Kerry himself has said Hussein "supported and harbored terrorist groups." And Cheney's spokesman pointed to a 2002 letter written by CIA Director George J. Tenet stating that "we have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda going back a decade" and "credible information indicates that Iraq and al Qaeda have discussed safe haven and reciprocal non-aggression." Cheney's office also pointed to a 2003 Tenet statement calling Zarqawi "a senior al Qaeda terrorist associate."

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the commission finding of long-standing high-level contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq justified the administration's earlier assertions. "We stand behind what was said publicly," he said.

Or this:

Investigations have shown that the former Iraqi dictator grafted and smuggled more than $10 billion from the program that for seven years prior to Saddam's overthrow was meant to bring humanitarian aid to ordinary Iraqis. And the Sept. 11 Commission has shown a tracery of contacts between Saddam and Al Qaeda (search) that continued after billions of Oil-for-Food dollars began pouring into Saddam's coffers and Usama bin Laden (search) declared his infamous war on the U.S.

Now, buried in some of the United Nation's own confidential documents, clues can be seen that underscore the possibility of just such a Saddam-Al Qaeda link — clues leading to a locked door in this Swiss lakeside resort. (To review a series of documents, audits and other stories related to Oil-for-Food, click here.)

Next to that door, a festive sign spells out in gold letters under a green flag that this is the office of MIGA, the Malaysian Swiss Gulf and African Chamber (search). Registered here 20 years ago as a society to promote business between the Gulf States and Asia, Europe and Africa, MIGA is a company that the United Nations and the U.S. government says has served as a hub of Al Qaeda finance: A terrorist chamber of commerce.

Or even this:

The answer to that last question is simple: lots. The CIA has confirmed, in interviews with detainees and informants it finds highly credible, that al Qaeda's Number 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, met with Iraqi intelligence in Baghdad in 1992 and 1998. More disturbing, according to an administration official familiar with briefings the CIA has given President Bush, the Agency has "irrefutable evidence" that the Iraqi regime paid Zawahiri $300,000 in 1998, around the time his Islamic Jihad was merging with al Qaeda. "It's a lock," says this source. Other administration officials are a bit more circumspect, noting that the intelligence may have come from a single source. Still, four sources spread across the national security hierarchy have confirmed the payment.

In interviews conducted over the past six weeks with uniformed officers on the ground in Iraq, intelligence officials, and senior security strategists, several things became clear. Contrary to the claims of its critics, the Bush administration has consistently underplayed the connections between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. Evidence of these links existed before the war. In making its public case against the Iraq regime, the Bush administration used only a fraction of the intelligence it had accumulated documenting such collaboration. The intelligence has, in most cases, gotten stronger since the end of the war. And through interrogations of high-ranking Iraqi officials, documents from the regime, and further interrogation of al Qaeda detainees, a clearer picture of the links between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein is emerging.

If anyone needs to open their eyes, it's you!

Bagdag has no running water and sewage system ... no electricity (infracture and power grids we bombed during hostilities)
and power on for no more than 3 hours a day

This is also a lie!
on May 13, 2006
This is also a lie!

he also does not know how to spell the city. What would you expect from an ignorant troll?
on May 13, 2006
he also does not know how to spell the city. What would you expect from an ignorant troll?

Can't spell "infrastructure" either.

no electricity (infracture and power grids we bombed during hostilities)

Hey "rombios" why don't you get lost you ignorant poop for brains anonymous troll!
on May 13, 2006
funny how when I read rombious, I smell dabe,
on May 13, 2006
funny how when I read rombious, I smell dabe,

I quit reading him long ago (or her). When they respond to me, I just delete the response. That is why I replied to Doc, I did not read him (or her) just the quotes from Doc.
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