This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
ShadowWar's Articles In Misc
June 8, 2004 by ShadowWar
Why is there not more media coverage of the fact that our soldiers were attacked with a WMD/ Chemical agent?? I have to say this really shows the control that the left has over or media. Just like you still hear about the prisoner abuse but not the beheading of the American, you don't hear any more about the Chemical Weapon that was used on our troops. Where is the media to say that WMD's were found in Iraq. Oh some same they are old and don't count because of that. WHAT? The age of a WMD makes ...
July 2, 2004 by ShadowWar
Bill Cosby gave another speech last night that I think is one of the best ones I have heard in a long time when it comes to the "stop blaming the white man" types. I am so sick of hearing "it's the white mans fault" "the white man is keeping the blacks down" and on and on and on that it is refreshing to see that some blacks themselves are beginning to see the real problem, the outlook of the young black generation. And the parents that are raising them. Here are a few excerpts from the speech...
February 20, 2006 by ShadowWar
I won my own hour this weekend on our local radio station. Its a news/talk station, 97.3, WSKY (The Sky).!! I had to make up 2 different one minute rants and they played them on the air against others and I won! I am now entered for a full three hour slot on Saturdays from 3-6p. That will be awared at the end of the year, which could lead to a more lasting engagement! Talk Show Idol Winner: Chris Wagoner is the Talk Show Idol Winner for February!!! Listen for Chris's One-Ho...
December 15, 2005 by ShadowWar
Well I got a call yesterday. The local paper, the Gainesville Sun,, is going to use one of my articles I sent them as a guest editorial! They needed a picture of me for the piece. LOL Well I will let you all know when I get notified what day it will be in. And to make it even better, the local RADIO talk station asked me to be a guest and talk about some of the things I have written in my blog. !! I am so excited I could .... well you know...
June 24, 2004 by ShadowWar
I would like to pose a question to everyone and see what your responses would be. What would happen if 1 week before the election some Al-Queda Terrorist kidnap 10 American Women and 10 American children here in the states and say that they will behead them if Bush is re-elected to the white house. What would be America's response? Would people cave in and vote based on fear and loathing and hence give the terrorist what they want, or would people vote the other way just to spite them rega...
June 16, 2004 by ShadowWar
Dear Civilians, We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas requiring your assistance: 1. The next time you see an adult talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem ... kick their butt. 2. When you witness firsthand someone burning the American Flag in protest .. kick their butt. ...
March 15, 2007 by ShadowWar
Recently I let the whining of an person who rather than discuss the issue at hand ran off crying about plagerism to the admins drive me from my blog. I was ready to turn in my blogging keyboard. Then I sat down and really looked at what was wrong here. I then decided that I was not going to let one little whiner(or two, or three...) run me off of my own blog. As I thoguht about it I really came to the realization that my blog is more for me than him. Why let someone else tell you how to ...