OK OK I have not been around in a bit but I have to say this issue brought me out of my slump. Our local School Board had to decide on a few extra days to put into the school schedule to make up for some missed days due to our hurricanes. So after passing around a few ideas they decided to use a few holidays to make up the days. Here is where it rubs my rubarb wrong. The school board picked Veterans Day as a school day and left MLK Day as a holiday!?!?! What in effect they are saying is th...
I was amazed at how low key things were about what was found in Fallujah. Didn't we find anything like weapons, or IED's or anything that the people in America should see or hear about? So I started to ask around to my military buddies and guess what, magically in my inbox appears a very well done Powerpoint show of some of these things. You can view it (to large to post here) at : http://ips.sfcc.edu/ips/CEW/Fallujah.pps But here are few of the more interesting facts I found: Fallujah...
A college professor, an avowed Atheist, was teaching his class. He shocked several of his students when he flatly stated that there is no God, the expression, "One Nation Under God", was unconstitutional, and further, he was going to prove there is no God. Addressing the ceiling he shouted: "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you 15 minutes!" The lecture room fell silent. You could have heard a pin fall. Ten minutes went by. Again...
I had a few people email me and ask about files that were on their crashed HD's and could it be recovered. The answer is yes and no. LOL typical huh!? Your computer, no matter what system you are using, uses basically the same type of system for storing files and deleting them. When you delete a file it is not really deleted (Windoz machines) in fact you really are doig nothing to the file itself you are simply deleting the file reference in the FAT (File Allocation Table). This tells yo...
Hello all, In the past few weeks I have had to recover for some people images that they deleted on their digital camera cards. I then ran into a few that did not know that they can be recovered. So hence my post here. Your digital camera card is a chip that stores images in memory. That memory, unlike RAM in your computer does not disappear when the power goes away or you would lose all your iamges everytime you turned off the camera or pulled out the card. When you delete the images us...
OK, I am tired of hearing in the mainstream media and print press that other countries are “angry” or “hate” or “disapprove” of the US or its actions, or its people. I have heard comments from the French, Germans, the United Nations, and others about how the U.S.A. is more of a detriment to peace than it is a help. Well I am here to tell you, as an American, I say to my government PULL OUT! Stop giving aid to other countries, stop supplying military aid, stop giving free surplus food to third...
I wrote to the ACLU and let them know how I feel about their recent court dealings with the Boy Scouts of America and here is what I got back, un-edited.. Dear Friend, Thank you for your e-mail. As you know, the ACLU is committed to defending the religious freedom of all Americans and keeping our national tradition of religious diversity alive and well. This latest controversy over the Boy Scouts has been portrayed by many in the media as a continuing effort by the ACLU to attac...
If you were one of the unfortunate ones that had to witness the brawl between the Pacers and Pistons, you know the background already. If not here is how it was reported: AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) -- Players and fans exchanged punches in the stands near the end of a Pacers-Pistons game in one of the worst brawls in NBA history. The mayhem left several people injured and prompted a police investigation. Indiana's Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson charged into the crowd and fought with fans...
Mujahidin terrorised Fallujah, residents say By Times Online and AFP in Fallujah Mutilated bodies dumped on Fallujah's bombed out streets today painted a harrowing picture of eight months of rebel rule. As US and Iraqi troops mopped up the last vestiges of resistance in the city after a week of bombardment and fighting, residents who stayed on through last week's offensive were emerging and telling harrowing tales of the brutality they endured. Flyposters still litter the walls bear...
When will the country see this group for what it is, The Anti-Christian Liberation Union, now they are taking on the Boy Scouts of America??? Give me a break! Why are they not fighting for my right to say prayers in school? Why can I not put the Ten Commandments in my office? They should be fighting for my individual roghts. Instead they are a Terrorist Organization!! Read on: Boy Scouts banned on bases Posted: November 16, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern The American military cannot survive ...
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
Lest anyone argue about the election remember: "President Bush's decisive margin of victory makes this the first presidential election since 1988 in which the winner received a majority of the popular vote," said Card, referring to the White House victory by Bush's father, President George H.W. Bush. "And in this election, President Bush received more votes than any presidential candidate in our country's history." Now lets get on with the issues at hand and get to fixing those things t...
Its 11:20 am November 3rd, and Kerry just called Bush to concede. I think that was a very big move on his part. Now lets get on with governing the country. YEEEEHHAAAAaaaa......
Full transcript of bin Ladin's speech This is the version you will not get in the US, it is from Al-Jeezera and a full transcript. Osama Bin Laden wants you to vote for Kerry and if you did you played right into the terrorist hands, thank you for helping them out. You have to wonder why a terrorist would not want you to vote for Bush. Think about it. My comments are in bold. Bush is mentioned 15 times by name! They want you to vote in Kerry, you read and decide. Monday 01 November 2...