A very wonderful find… Guitarist Cliff Knizley – Letters to Baghdad , a tribute to our Troops www.cliffknizley.com For those of you who like great (not good but great) guitar work and touching and heartfelt lyrics, you have to go to Cliff Knizley’s web site and listen to a few of his songs from his new CD, “Letters to Baghdad”. Cliff and Mark Miner (A Iraqi Vet and great bloger of...
Today the DOD Joint Chiefs of Staff released the 2006 "National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism" Anyone who is interested in what our Governments plans or opinions are on these issues should read this document. You can get it at : http://www.defenselink.mil/qdr/docs/2005-01-25-Strategic-Plan.pdf Here is an excerpt on how they describe the "Enemy".: Nature of the Enemy The enemy is a transnational movement of extremist organizations, networks, an...
Feb. 6, 2006 – Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers detained 10 suspects and discovered weapons during several operations in and around Baghdad on Feb. 4 , military officials in Iraq reported today. Iraqi soldiers participated in one operation that resulted in the discovery of a bomb-making cell. Elements of the 4th Infantry Division, conducted a cordon-and-search operation to locate a suspect who has been linked to crimes against coalition forces. The suspect was detained...
While portions of this poll are troubling, there is some very good news in it. 99% of Iraqis are against the attacks on civilians and 93% are against the attacks on their security forces. That could account for the huge (970%) increase in tips to the Iraqi Security forces over 2005. Washington - Less than half of Iraqis approve of attacks on U.S.-led forces, and most favor setting a timetable for American troops to leave. The poll also found that 80 percent of Iraqis think the United State...
Thats what the flap is al about. Not a whole lot on this one though, except a letter of protest from the Military Chiefs of Staff - called civilized protest - Here is how our military leaders dealt with their anger over it: A Reprehensible Cartoon Thursday, February 2, 2006; A20 We were extremely disappointed to see the Jan. 29 editorial cartoon by Tom Toles. Using the likeness of a service member who has los...
I found a letter from a father of a solider killed in Iraq on a web site that is pro terrorist and reports items as "resistance" fighters and such. His son was killed in 2003 and the web site uses his letter as a propaganda tool. I wonder if he knows his words are posted as being pro-terrorist and supporting the "resistance". http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m20248&hd=0&size=1&l=e The letter was originally sent and published on an local paper in his area. http://seatt...
Now I know this goes against what it may appear like in the television news and what’s reported in your newspapers, but you have to look at all the sides of a story or story subject before making up your own mind. I think what bothers me the most is you don’t here about this at all, not one single mention in the MSM about a decline in the number of deaths in Iraq . Only that this bomb exploded and killed this many, this suicide bomber blew themselves up and killed this many, but no mentio...
Saddam Sent WMD to Syria, Former General Alleges By Sherrie Gossett CNSNews.com Staff Writer February 02, 2006 (CNSNews.com) - A former Iraqi general alleges that in June 2002 Saddam Hussein transported weapons of mass destruction out of the country to Syria aboard several refitted commercial jets, under the pretense of conducting a humanitarian mission for flood victims. That's one of several dramatic claims made in the book by former Iraqi General Georges Sada: "Saddam's Secre...
WARNING!! Parts of this video are graphic, use your judgement on who you show it too. Now with that said. The video that plays from this link http://ips.sfcc.edu/ips/CEW/VBIED(LOWRES).wmv (just paste it in Windows Media Player or whatever player you use) is a video of a VBIED (vehicle bourne improvised Explosive device) that did not go off as planned. The driver rammed his car into and M1 Abrams tank and totalled his vehicle, trapping him inside by the legs. He is alive and awake. ...
Back on Jan 16th I wrote a story about Marine Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt. He was injured when a IED exploded while he was trying to disarm it. Burghardt, of Huntington Beach , Calif. , started his third tour in Iraq trying to beat the insurgents to the IEDs - improvised explosive devices - and disarm them before the insurgents could set them off. As is often the case, Burghardt and his Explosive Ordnance Disposal team were accompanied to a bomb site Monday b...
Now I know I may sound harsh, and that is not my intention, but since when does a journalist being injured in Iraq become front page, headline news? And why the sudden focus on IED’s? They have been going off in Iraq for years now. Since when does the media become a story unto itself? http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/01/30/iraq/main1252980.shtmlhttp:// Two days ago Bob Woodruff and Doug Vogt, his cameraman, were seriously injured when an IED wen...
7 children dead. Here in North Central Florida we had another tragedy involving vehicles on our roadways, and the public is saddened and outraged (just as they should be). But most have no idea what they are talking about. And most people have no clue as to the concept they could have been the ones involved. Why? Because most people do not know or realize just how driving really works, or how hazardous it really is. Most people are fair to poor drivers at best.  ...
A recent report shows that the Iraqi people are stepping up and helping in the fight on Terrorist in thier midst. In 2005 starting in Feb the MNF in Iraq started tracking the number of tips and reports by Iraqi citizens that they made to Iraqi Troops and Coalition forces. What they found was VERY interesting indeed. First they found that the Iraqi people were much more likely to report things to the Iraqi troops and police than the coalition troops. Which is understandable. But as the year we...
War is hell. But it’s worse when the Marines bring out their new urban combat weapon, the SMAW-NE . Which may be why they’re not talking about it, much. This is a version of the standard USMC Shoulder Mounted Assault Weapon but with a new warhead. Described as NE - "Novel Explosive"- it is a thermobaric mixture which ignites the air, producing a shockwave of unparalleled destructive power, especially against buildings. A post-action report from Iraq describes the effect of the new wea...
So let's assume Iran does get the Bomb. How big of a threat is that, really? Could the mullahs hook it up to a missile, for instance, and fire that sucker off at Tel Aviv? Arms Control Wonk Dr. Jeffrey Lewis tackles those questions in the second part of his trilogy on the Iran's nuclear capacity. The bottom line: Iran might, might , be able to deliver a nuclear weapon against an Israeli city, but that would be at the extreme edge of their capabilities. Much more worr...