This is my personal view and comments on the issues and events that I feel a need to talk about or express my view. You don't have to agree, but lets carry on a adult, discussion and maybe you will see it the right way, mine. ;)
ShadowWar's Articles In War on Terror » Page 4
August 21, 2005 by ShadowWar
Aug. 20, 2005 – The rebuilding effort continues in Iraq, and coalition military officials here today provided a summary of the past week's progress. Children in a village of Tamim province received school supplies, clothing and toys from the Nahrain Foundation, a nongovernmental organization that focuses on providing proper nutrition, decent clothing and medical supplies to Iraqi women and children. The foundation received its supplies as part of a joint effort between American donations an...
August 19, 2005 by ShadowWar
Progress Spreads in Iraq on Many Fronts, Official Says By Samantha L. Quigley American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Aug. 18, 2005 – Progress in Iraq continues, and this includes the work extension granted earlier this week to draft the country's new constitution, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman said today. "They have made substantial progress," Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch said about the Iraqis during a Baghdad briefing today, "but needed more time to put together a document tha...
August 16, 2005 by ShadowWar
MOSUL, Iraq — Security Forces detained six suspected terrorists and seized a number of items including a letter written to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi while conducting a raid on a safe house in Mosul July 27. In the letter to al-Zarqawi, the author, Abu Zayd, a terrorist operating out of Mosul, complained of the poor leadership in Mosul and mistreatment of foreign fighters. Abu Zayd informs in his letter to the “Sheikh” that, “This is a clarification of what has become of the situation in Mosul,...
August 16, 2005 by ShadowWar
Weapons cache destroyed in Al Anbar BAGHDAD, Iraq – Multi-national ground forces, acting on an Iraqi tip, discovered and destroyed a large cache of artillery shells in the early hours of Aug. 16. The shells were apparently intended for use as improvised explosive devices. An explosive ordinance disposal technician advised that the 25 to 30 individual 152mm rounds located inside a building within Al Anbar province be destroyed. Security forces confirmed there were no friendly or en...
August 15, 2005 by ShadowWar
Iraqi Policeman Engages Suicide Bomber in Mahawil American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2005 – An Iraqi police officer identified a suicide bomber in Mahawil, Iraq, Aug. 14 and attempted to kill him before the bomb could be detonated, according to a multinational forces report. Despite the policeman's best efforts, the Syrian suicide bomber was able to detonate his bomb, killing two civilians and injuring four others in the town, which is located about 16 kilometers nort...
August 13, 2005 by ShadowWar
Aug. 12, 2005 U.S. Soldiers foil 7 bomb attacks, nab 8 suspects BAGHDAD, Iraq - A group of Iraqi citizens helped Task Force Baghdad Soldiers working in northwest Baghdad find two roadside bombs before terrorists could use them Aug. 10. The civilians approached a U.S. patrol at 9:15 a.m. to tell the Soldiers that the bombs were placed near a major highway in the area. When the patrol investigated the site, they found two land mines and two mortar rounds wrapped in detonation cord. The...
August 12, 2005 by ShadowWar
Successes this week in Iraq (5-11 Aug., 2005) BAGHDAD, Iraq – Reconstruction projects strengthened Iraq's infrastructure this week, while community leaders showed their commitment to rebuilding. Iraqi Security Forces continue to be an essential part in working to increase the country's security. Approximately 18,000 Iraqi schoolchildren will sit in freshly refurbished schools when their new school year starts in about six weeks. Iraqi and U.S. government agencies announced Aug. 6 that r...
January 12, 2006 by ShadowWar
My take on how the news should be reported: In today’s news from Iraq (01/12/06), U.S. Forces along with the Iraq Defense Forces had a very successful yet varied day. Coalition forces made a grisly discovery at a local sewage plant in Rustimiyah. They discovered seven bodies that showed signs they had been tortured before being killed. The cause of death was not released or the method of torture. The bodies were recovered and turned over to the local Iraqi Police for investigation. ...
January 11, 2006 by ShadowWar
Why is it we hear of every single IED or bomb or shooting that kills a US or Iraqi Military or police officer, yet when these scum kill themsleves, or are killed there is not one peep from the main stream media?? I think it would be a great evening news piece and boost the Nations morale to hear this report: "Tonight on the Nightly news, from Samarra Iraq, today two terrorist were killed when they blew themselves up trying to plant a bomb aimed at killing or injuring our troops. Needless ...
January 10, 2006 by ShadowWar
Now I am sure you have heard by now the suicide bombing where the two bombers dressed as Iraqi Police blew themselves up and killed many. But did you hear about this? Jan. 9, 2006 – Iraqi police pre-empted two suicide bombers today, a French hostage was rescued over the weekend, and an Iraqi citizen led soldiers to a weapons cache yesterday, military officials in Baghdad reported. Two suicide bombers blew themselves up at noon today when they were denied access at an Iraqi police en...
January 8, 2006 by ShadowWar
OK now there is a question of how much body armour is and should be available to the troops. Here is what the Washington Post had: Body-Armor Gaps Are Shown to Endanger Troops Pentagon Studies Call Deaths Preventable They of coure accuse, accuse, accuse. Not once did they bother to ask the guys wearing the stuff what they thought. Then a few smart reporters went out and did just that, what a concept! Here is what they found: Some U.S. troops reject more body armor Chicago Sun Time...
January 8, 2006 by ShadowWar
Jan. 7, 2006 – Iraqi soldiers and police seized a bevy of enemy weapons caches during a series of operations conducted across the country yesterday. First, soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force and coalition forces discovered a buried weapons cache north of Sadah yesterday. The cache contained two 60 mm mortar tubes, two improvised 57 mm rocket launchers, five 115 mm tank rounds, one 100 mm tank round, one 152 mm artillery round, one 130 mm artil...
January 4, 2006 by ShadowWar
Jan. 4, 2006 – U.S. soldiers killed and captured terrorism suspects in Iraq Jan. 2, and U.S. and Iraqi forces seized weapons caches, military officials reported today. Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, killed a suspected terrorist and captured another after an attack on a coalition base near Balad. The soldiers immediately captured one suspect, but chased the second for two hours. The chase ended when the soldiers cornered the suspect in a grove of palm tr...
January 3, 2006 by ShadowWar
AR RAMADI, Iraq – U.S. Marines discovered more than ten metric tons of munitions hidden at 72 cache sites 39 km south of Fallujah during the week-long Operation Green Trident. First Reconnaissance Battalion, Regimental Combat Team 8 began the operation last week near the village of Al Latifiyah to search suspected locations for hidden weapon caches. More than 1,000 artillery and mortar rounds were unearthed along with scores of rocket propelled grenades and hand grenades. Most of the ca...
January 3, 2006 by ShadowWar
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi Police coordinated with Coalition Forces to foil two terrorist attempts to use vehicle-carried improvised explosive devices against Iraqi citizens Jan 2. While on patrol, police officers identified a suspicious vehicle while operating in western Rashid at approximately 4 p.m. Jan. 1, and notified a Coalition Force patrol. The patrol conducted an investigation. Shortly afterward, an explosive ordnance disposal team responded to the vehicle-carried improvised explo...